Overcoming the Inconvenience Barrier

Overall goal: Develop tools that can be used to predict the performance/usability of PKI components.

Why do we need to do this:


Stage 1: Gather data. Look at Baltimore Unicert software, Condor PKI packages and others. Separate timings into:

Do this on a variety of machines to get some feel for what processor, memory, etc. features make the difference. Try to get a feel for how network features impact this too (it's not just one machine anymore).

Experiment with changing crypto algorithms (is it easy to change to elliptic curve, etc.), protocols, interfaces, ...

Stage 2: Develop quantititative ideas about what is impacting performance

Stage 3:

Rough Timeline:

Fall 2000 - Summer 2001 Stage 1: Gather data.
Fall 2001 - Spring 2002 Stage 2: Develop quantitative performance tools
Summer 2002 - Fall 2002 Stage 3: Test and validate the models