Note: This exercise contain 2 parts: XSS Mobile Exercise (Part 1) and XSS Cookie Stealing Mobile Exercise (Part 2). Both exercises will be completed using Android Studio and the Command Prompt.
You need to follow the same steps to run the server for Mobile Exercise (Part 1) and XSS Cookie Stealing Mobile Exercise (Part 2). Complete Part 1 and then start Part 2.
and other files described in the
exercise description for Part 1.
and other files described in
the exercise description for
Part 2.
On Mac, open Spotlight, search for "Terminal", and double click the result.
into the directory
containing the unzipped files.
Every time you change any .java
you must recompile the program before running it again.
Enter the following command to compile the program:
javac -Djava.ext.dirs=./lib *.java
This program depends on files in the lib directory, so the command to run the server in Windows is:
java -Djava.ext.dirs=./lib TargetServer
in the command line
interface and press enter.
into the directory
containing the unzipped files.
Every time you change any .java
you must recompile the program before running it again.
Enter the following commands to compile:
javac -cp ".;./lib/*" *.java
This program depends on files in the lib directory, so the command to run the server is:
java -cp ".:./lib/*" TargetServer
To stop the server, type quit
in the command
line interface and press enter.