Joining The UW-Madison CS Condor Pool

In this section, we will join the UW-Madison Computer Science department pool as a submit-only node. You will be then able to submit jobs into the UW-Madison pool from these machines at NCSA.

Condor Already Installed Here

Before we begin, you should know that we have already installed Condor and setup a pool on these machines. You can see the Condor daemons running on your computer using the ps command:
%  ps auwx | grep condor_
You will see something like:
condor   26765  0.0  0.1   912   516  ?  S    Apr 27   0:00 condor_master
condor   32046  0.2  0.2  1840  1172  ?  S    Apr 27   5:15 condor_startd -f 
condor   32047  0.0  0.1  1164   924  ?  S    Apr 27   0:16 condor_schedd -f 
You can view the status of our pool with condor_status:
%  condor_status
Now we will add each of these machines as submit-only nodes in the Condor pool at UW-Madison's Computer Science department.

Installing Condor as Submit-Only to UW-Madison

To join the UW-Madison CS Condor pool as a submitter, you must start a user agent, called the condor_schedd.
%  ~/uw-bin/condor_master

That's it. You can view your Condor daemons now with the ps command:

%  ps uwx | grep condor_
This will show all the Condor daemons running as the user you are logged in as.

Now, any tools you run from ~/uw-bin will work on the submit-only installation to the UW-Madison pool, and any other tools you use (from /mnt/condor/release/bin) will work on the local pool here in this room. Try running "condor_status" to see the status of the UW pool:

%  ~/uw-bin/condor_status -total