Examples submitting a bag of jobs to HTCondor

This workbook will demonstrate four different ways to to submit a bag (or cluster) of jobs to HTCondor using the Python bindings. All jobs in the bag will share the same cluster id, and will be submitted efficiently to the schedd in just one transaction. To make things interesting, the bag will contain one job for each file found in the current working directory. The file name will be passed as an argument to the job.

NOTE: These examples assume you are running version 8.7.10 or higher of the HTCondor Python Bindings.

In [1]:
import os
import htcondor
print htcondor.version()
schedd = htcondor.Schedd()
$CondorVersion: 8.7.10 Jun 29 2018 PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $

Submission examples

Each example will result in the same set of jobs being submitted, one job per file. The jobs are submitted on Hold as we don't actually want them to run for this demonstration. Also, each job is tagged with an attribute SubmitExample set to True, which allows us to later view and remove just the jobs submitted by this notebook.

Example One. In this example, we pass a string to the Submit() constructor. The string should be a valid HTCondor JDL (job description language); the format for this JDL is exactly the same as what you would use in a condor_submit file (although there are no files involved here). Documentation on the HTCondor JDL can be found in the condor_submit man page.

In [2]:
# Example One: submit via JDL string
sub = htcondor.Submit('''
    Executable = ExampleOne.exe
    Hold = True
    +SubmitExample = True
    queue Arguments matching files *
with schedd.transaction() as txn:

Example Two. Instead of using a JDL string, we create an empty Submit() object and then add attributes one at a time.

In [3]:
# Example Two: submit by adding attributes to the Submit() object
sub = htcondor.Submit()
sub.setQArgs('matching files *')
with schedd.transaction() as txn:

Example Three. The HTCondor Submit() JDL is able to submit a bag of jobs of a size specified by an interger, or it can submit a job per file, per directory, or per line in a file. But perhaps you want to submit one job per something else? The queue_with_itemdata() method allows you to pass in an arbitrary Python iterator, where each item returned by the iterator should be a dictionary consisting of key/value pairs. Each item returned by the iterator will result in a job submission with that items key/values inserted. In the below example, instead of having HTCondor scan the directory for files, we create a Python iterator that will return a {'Arguments' : filename} item for each file in the current directory, and use this custom iterator to create the jobs.

In [4]:
# Example Three: submit one job per item from a Python iterator
sub = htcondor.Submit()
files=[{'Arguments':f} for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
with schedd.transaction() as txn: 

Example Four. In Example Four we create a bag of jobs by using a for loop instead of a Python iterator.

In [5]:
# Example Four: submit procedurally via a for-loop
sub = htcondor.Submit()
files=[str(f) for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
with schedd.transaction() as txn:
    for f in files:

View Queue

In [6]:
# Print a column header
print('{:10} {:18} {}'.format('Job','Cmd','Args'))
# Query the schedd with a constraint and projection of a few attributes
q = schedd.query(constraint='SubmitExample == True', attr_list=['ClusterId','ProcId','Cmd','Args'])
# Sort the resulting list of ClassAds using a key that is a tuple of ClusterID and ProcID
q.sort( key = lambda x: (x['ClusterId'],x['ProcId']) )
# Print a line for each job
for jobad in q: print('{:10} {:18} {}'.format(
Job        Cmd                Args
571.0      ExampleOne.exe     AAA_START_HERE_HTCondor+Python+Bindings+Tutorial.ipynb
571.1      ExampleOne.exe     Advanced+Schedd+Interactions.ipynb
571.2      ExampleOne.exe     classad.lib
571.3      ExampleOne.exe     classad.pyd
571.4      ExampleOne.exe     ClassAds+Introduction.ipynb
571.5      ExampleOne.exe     HTCondor+Introduction.ipynb
571.6      ExampleOne.exe     htcondor.lib
571.7      ExampleOne.exe     htcondor.pyd
571.8      ExampleOne.exe     HTCondor_red_blk_notag.png
571.9      ExampleOne.exe     Interacting+With+Daemons.ipynb
571.10     ExampleOne.exe     Scalable+Job+Tracking.ipynb
571.11     ExampleOne.exe     Submit job per file.ipynb
571.12     ExampleOne.exe     Submitting+and+Managing+Jobs.ipynb
572.0      ExampleTwo.exe     AAA_START_HERE_HTCondor+Python+Bindings+Tutorial.ipynb
572.1      ExampleTwo.exe     Advanced+Schedd+Interactions.ipynb
572.2      ExampleTwo.exe     classad.lib
572.3      ExampleTwo.exe     classad.pyd
572.4      ExampleTwo.exe     ClassAds+Introduction.ipynb
572.5      ExampleTwo.exe     HTCondor+Introduction.ipynb
572.6      ExampleTwo.exe     htcondor.lib
572.7      ExampleTwo.exe     htcondor.pyd
572.8      ExampleTwo.exe     HTCondor_red_blk_notag.png
572.9      ExampleTwo.exe     Interacting+With+Daemons.ipynb
572.10     ExampleTwo.exe     Scalable+Job+Tracking.ipynb
572.11     ExampleTwo.exe     Submit job per file.ipynb
572.12     ExampleTwo.exe     Submitting+and+Managing+Jobs.ipynb
573.0      ExampleThree.exe   AAA_START_HERE_HTCondor+Python+Bindings+Tutorial.ipynb
573.1      ExampleThree.exe   Advanced+Schedd+Interactions.ipynb
573.2      ExampleThree.exe   classad.lib
573.3      ExampleThree.exe   classad.pyd
573.4      ExampleThree.exe   ClassAds+Introduction.ipynb
573.5      ExampleThree.exe   HTCondor+Introduction.ipynb
573.6      ExampleThree.exe   htcondor.lib
573.7      ExampleThree.exe   htcondor.pyd
573.8      ExampleThree.exe   HTCondor_red_blk_notag.png
573.9      ExampleThree.exe   Interacting+With+Daemons.ipynb
573.10     ExampleThree.exe   Scalable+Job+Tracking.ipynb
573.11     ExampleThree.exe   Submit job per file.ipynb
573.12     ExampleThree.exe   Submitting+and+Managing+Jobs.ipynb
574.0      ExampleFour.exe    AAA_START_HERE_HTCondor+Python+Bindings+Tutorial.ipynb
574.1      ExampleFour.exe    Advanced+Schedd+Interactions.ipynb
574.2      ExampleFour.exe    classad.lib
574.3      ExampleFour.exe    classad.pyd
574.4      ExampleFour.exe    ClassAds+Introduction.ipynb
574.5      ExampleFour.exe    HTCondor+Introduction.ipynb
574.6      ExampleFour.exe    htcondor.lib
574.7      ExampleFour.exe    htcondor.pyd
574.8      ExampleFour.exe    HTCondor_red_blk_notag.png
574.9      ExampleFour.exe    Interacting+With+Daemons.ipynb
574.10     ExampleFour.exe    Scalable+Job+Tracking.ipynb
574.11     ExampleFour.exe    Submit job per file.ipynb
574.12     ExampleFour.exe    Submitting+and+Managing+Jobs.ipynb

Remove Jobs

In [7]:
# Remove all jobs submitted by me that have attribute SubmitExample == True
result = schedd.act(htcondor.JobAction.Remove,'SubmitExample == True')
if result['TotalError']:
    print('Error removing jobs!')
    print('{} jobs removed'.format(result['TotalSuccess']))
52 jobs removed