Although Condor can schedule and
run any type of process, Condor does have some limitations on jobs that it can
transparently checkpoint and migrate:
Multi-process jobs are not allowed. This includes system calls such as
fork(), exec(), and system().
Interprocess communication is not allowed. This includes pipes, semaphores, and shared memory.
Network communication must be brief. A job may make network
connections using system calls such as socket(), but a network
connection left open for long periods will delay checkpointing and migration.
Sending or receiving the SIGUSR2 or SIGTSTP signals is not allowed.
Condor reserves these signals for its own use. Sending or receiving all
other signals is allowed.
Alarms, timers, and sleeping are not allowed. This includes system
calls such as alarm(), getitimer(), and sleep().
Multiple kernel-level threads are not allowed. However,
multiple user-level threads are allowed.
Memory mapped files are not allowed. This includes system calls such
as mmap() and munmap().
File locks are allowed, but not retained between checkpoints.
All files must be opened read-only or write-only. A file opened
for both reading and writing will cause trouble if a job must be rolled back
to an old checkpoint image. For compatibility reasons, a file opened
for both reading and writing will result in a warning but not an error.
A fair amount of disk space must be available on the submitting machine
for storing a job's checkpoint images. A checkpoint image is approximately
equal to the virtual memory consumed by a job while it runs. If disk space
is short, a special checkpoint server can be designated for storing
all the checkpoint images for a pool.
On Linux, the job must be statically linked.
condor_compile does this by default.
Reading to or writing from files larger than 2 GB is not supported.
Note: these limitations only apply to jobs which Condor
has been asked to transparently checkpoint. If job checkpointing is not
desired, the limitations above do not apply.
Security Implications.
Condor does a significant amount of
work to prevent security hazards, but loopholes are known to exist.
Condor can be instructed to run user programs only as the UNIX
user nobody, a user login which traditionally has very
restricted access.
But even with access solely as user nobody,
a sufficiently malicious individual could do such things as fill up
/tmp (which is world writable) and/or gain read access to
world readable files.
Furthermore, where the security of machines in the pool is a
high concern,
only machines where the UNIX user root on that machine can be
trusted should be admitted into the pool.
Condor provides the administrator with extensive security mechanisms
to enforce desired policies.
Jobs Need to be Re-linked to get Checkpointing and Remote System Calls
typically no source code changes are required,
Condor requires
that the jobs be re-linked with the Condor libraries to take
advantage of checkpointing and remote system calls. This often
precludes commercial software binaries from taking advantage of these services
because commercial packages rarely make their object code
Condor's other services are still available for these commercial packages.