HTCondor Week 2015 is Over!
Thank you for your interest, but HTCondor Week 2015 is over! Keep an eye on our home page or join our announcement-only emai list to learn about HTCondor Week 2016. The slides from 2015 are available.
About the meeting
HTCondor Week is an annual event that gives collaborators and users the chance to exchange ideas and experiences, to learn about the latest research, to experience live demos, and to influence our short and long term research and development directions. HTCondor Week 2015 will take place May 19–22, 2015.
Thank you for your interest, but registration for HTCondor Week 2015 is closed. Hopefully you can join us next year!
However, two sessions are free and open to students, faculty, and staff at the University of Wisconsin - Madison:
- Tuesday, from 9:00 am through 11:35 am, covering an introduction to HTCondor
- Thursday, from 1:00 pm through 2:45 pm, covering various aspects of cloud computing
You do not need to register for these two open sessions; just show up!
Reception sponsored by Cycle Computing
Courtesy of Cycle Computing we will have a reception following the Wednesday session. It will be at Lucky's Bar and Grille, 1421 Regent Street from 6pm to 7pm. Drinks and appetizers will be served. It is a short walk from the meeting location. Walking directions
Questions? Contact us!
If you have logistics questions, you can contact us.