




Gallery of



for Lab

Parametric Motion Graphs
By: Rachel Heck and Michael Gleicher
We present an example-based motion synthesis technique that generates continuous streams of high-fidelity, controllable motion for interactive applications, such as video games.

Codec: wmv Duration: 3.5 minutes w/ sound

Project Page
Virtual Videography
By: Rachel Heck, Michael Wallick, and Michael Gleicher
We present an automated system called Virtual Videography that employs the art of videography to mimic videographer-produced lecture videos, while being unobtrusive when recording.

Codec: mpeg2 Duration: 5:30 w/ sound

Project Page
Splicing Upper-Body Actions with Locomotion
By: Rachel Heck, Lucas Kovar, and Michael Gleicher
We present a simple and efficient technique for synthesizing high-fidelity motions by attaching, or splicing,the upper-body action of one motion example to the lower-body locomotion of another.

Codec: mpeg4-v2 Duration: 2.5 minutes w/ sound

Project Page
Automated Extraction and Parameterization of Motions in Large Data Sets
By: Lucas Kovar and Michael Gleicher
We provide automated methods for identifying logically similar motions in a data set and using them to build a continuous and intuitively parameterized space of motions.

Codec: mpeg4 v2 Duration: 5 minutes w/ sound

Project Page
Virtual Videography
By: Rachel Heck, Michael Wallick and Michael Gleicher
The main idea behind Virtual Videography is to automatically edit video of some event that would be nice to record, but too costly or intrusive to place a camera crew, such as a classroom lecture. (Note: Newer video listed above)

Codec: MPEG4 Duration: 5:30 w/ sound

Project Page
Magic Boards (1)
By: Michael Wallick and Michael Gleicher
A spin off of Virtual Videography, Magic Boards is an authoring tool for allowing users to replace writing on the board with type written text, clip-art, images, etc. This video describes Magic Boards and how it may be used.

Codec: MPEG4 Duration: 2:00 sound

Project Page
Magic Boards (2)
By: Michael Wallick and Michael Gleicher
A spin off of Virtual Videography, Magic Boards is an authoring tool for allowing users to replace writing on the board with type written text, clip-art, images, etc. This video shows Magic Boards used in an actual class.

Codec: MPEG4 Duration: :50 no sound

Project Page
Magic Boards (3)
By: Michael Wallick and Michael Gleicher
A spin off of Virtual Videography, Magic Boards is an authoring tool for allowing users to replace writing on the board with type written text, clip-art, images, etc. This video shows Magic Boards used to describe how to build a project with Tinker Toys.

Codec: MPEG4 Duration: 1:30 sound

Project Page
Building Efficient, Accurate Character Skins from Examples
By: Alex Mohr and Michael Gleicher
We construct high-quality skins for characters that can run on traditional runtimes from a set of examples.

Codec: divx Duration: 5:05 sound

Project Page
Stylizing Motion with Drawings
By: Yin Li, Michael Gleicher, Ying Qing Xu, and Heung-Yeung Shum

Codec: divx Duration: 4:14 sound
Flexible Automatic Motion Blending with Registration Curves
By: Lucas Kovar and Michael Gleicher
Many motion editing algorithms are forms of a general operation called motion blending. We introduce registration curves, which allow a wider class of motions to be blended without manual input.

Codec: divx Duration: 5:21 sound

Project Page
Deformation Sensitive Decimation
By: Alex Mohr and Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 2:26 sound
Motion Editing with Paths and Tiles
By: Andrew Selle and Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 4:54 sound
Direct Manipulation of Interactive Character Skins
By: Alex Mohr, Luke Tokheim, and Michael Gleicher
A system for authoring linear blend skins. Provides a more standard painting interface plus our own direct manipulation method for setting vertex weights.

Codec: divx Duration: 3:44 sound

Project Page
Snap Together Motion: Assembling Run-Time Animation
By: Michael Gleicher, Hyun Joon Shin, Lucas Kovar, Andrew Jepsen
We present an approach to character motion called Snap-Together Motion that addresses the unique demands of virtual environments. Snap-Together Motion (STM) preprocesses a corpus of motion capture examples into a set of short clips that can be concatenated to make continuous streams of motion.

Codec: divx Duration: 4:19 sound

Project Page
Virtual Videography
By: Michael Gleicher, Rachel Heck, and Michael Wallick
The main idea behind Virtual Videography is to automatically edit video of some event that would be nice to record, but too costly or intrusive to place a camera crew, such as a classroom lecture. (Note: Newer video listed above)

Codec: divx Duration: 6:30 w/ sound

Project Page
Footskate Cleanup for Motion Capture Editing
By: Lucas Kovar, John Schreiner, and Michael Gleicher
Many motion capture editing operations result in the feet of the character moving when they ought to remain planted. We present a simple, efficient algorithm for removing this footskate.

Codec: divx Duration: 6:15 sound

Project Page
Motion Graphs
By: Lucas Kovar Michael Gleicher Frederic Pighin
We present a method for controlling motion capture data without sacrificing motion quality. Given a database of motion, we automatically construct seamless transitions to form a directed graph we call a motion graph. A user can then extract motions that meet a set of constraints. Our framework is applied to the particular problem of directing locomotion down arbitrary paths.

Codec: divx Duration: 4:05 sound

Project Page
HijackGL: Reconstructing from Streams for Stylized Rendering
By: Alex Mohr and Michael Gleicher
HijackGL is a prototype system that allows us to non-invasively intercept graphics applications and change their behavior on the fly

Codec: divx Duration: 2:52 sound

Project Page
Simplicial Families of Drawings
By: Lucas Kovar and Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 4:33 sound
Path Editing
By: Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 4:40 sound
Retargetting Motion to New Characters
By: Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 4:03 sound
Spacetime Swing
By: Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 0:47 sound
Projective Registration with Difference Decomposition
By: Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 5:24 nosound
Constraint-Based Motion Adaptation
By: Michael Gleicher and Peter Litwinowicz

Codec: divx Duration: 6:48 sound
Image Snapping
By: Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 2:05 nosound
A Differential Approach to Graphical Manipulation
By: Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 13:17 sound

Project Page
By: Michael Gleicher

Codec: divx Duration: 9:30 sound

Project Page