The BVH Reader
Source Code DANGER!
...and here's a link to the executable: proj1.exe (note it won't work since
it appears that the BVH files were moved...)
For my programming assigment I did the following:
- Implemented a BVH reader that could correctly read any BVH file
- Preformed my own Matrix transformations to do all of my translations/rotations.
- Created a "virtual trackball" by using the left mouse button you could control
the yaw and pitch of the display, and with the right mouse button you can control the offset.
- Correctly interpolates between frames.
- It also computes the forward kinematics to show the end effectors.
- The program also converts to Quaternions.
- The program can also interpolate frames and thus can show the 360-0 problem with Euler angles.
- It also has a nice non-MFC Windows GUI.
Outside libraries used:
- Matrix (written by
- Used to preform the Matrix transformations. A very handy tool to have!
- Quat.cpp (written by Laurent Schmalen)
- Written for demo writers, this quaternion object is small, yet powerful.