Last modified: 15:39 Jan 18, 1999

General Rules

You will be required to complete one major project for this course.

Some ground rules on projects:

  1. You may work in groups of 2. If you do work together, you will be expected to complete a more ambitious project.
  2. You must write a project proposal, describing what you want to do. Project proposals must be approved by March 4th, which means you must complete the proposal beforehand so we have time to discuss it.
  3. You must pick your own project and define it.
  4. You must create an animation as part of your project. Most probably, you will write a piece of software and then use it in the production of an animation.
  5. You must write up a web page describing your project.

The deadlines:

838 Project Ideas

Part of the task of doing a project is picking one and defining it.

Pick an paper that it would be interesting to have an implementation of, and make interesting use of it:

Pick a paper that generates nice images, and make it work for animation:

Pick a basic method and make an implementation that nicely integrates it into some other system / method

Pick a paper that has a technique that could be applied to animation, and apply it:

Apply something in a new domain:

Mix and match:

Something crying out to be done:

An "engineering effort" to build a useful tool that provides an opportunity to add in something more interesting if time permits.

Pick a "known hard problem" and implement a state of the art solution (or better, improve the state of the art)

Insert some "new mathematics" into existing techniques:

Build a "Tutorial Implementation" of a mathematically difficult paper

Make a film that requires developing some technology to produce it

Some "hacking efforts" that aren't necessarily 838 projects, but would be "useful" things to do to help animation research here, and might be grown into an 838 project with some creativity:

Some Possible Projects


Some thoughts on graphics research projects:

Planning is important

A Formula for a SIGGRAPH paper:

  1. Here's a problem (that you have)
  2. Here's why current tools don't address it
  3. Here's the answer
  4. Here are the details to try this at home
  5. Here's some evidence that it really works
  6. Here is some evidence that it is interesting

A good choice for numbers 1&2 can make 6 easier. Pick problems that it will be easier to give compelling proof. Be sure you have ideas for examples. This sets your minimum for what you need to do, and also may be a critical flaw (if you can't actually generate the example, for lack of data, ...).

Always a good bet when you don't have to convince someone that what you want to solve is a problem.

2 is tough since almost can be done manually, given enough time, talent and effort.

Think like a reviewer.

Beware of unreasonable resource needs:

  1. vast amounts of computation
  2. artistic (or other data) - for example, if you need to get 100 walking motions to do a statistical machine learning technique
  3. users (to do a user study so you can claim "easier"

Know criteria for success