CS838 Computer Animation - Paper Review Form Paper Title: Place Published: Reviewer: 1. Summarize the paper: 1a. Summarize the paper's contribution to computer graphics: (for a historical paper, comment on the effect this paper had on later work) 2. Comment on the paper's exposition - how could the author have made this paper easier to understand? 2a. Could this work be reproduced given the paper and the references? What would the scope of the project be? (e.g. huge development effort, PhD thesis, undergraduate course project, weekend hack, ...) 3. Are the references adequate for the time when this was published? Are there papers that have come out since that the author could have used had they been around at the time? 3a. Describe some of the follow on papers. (don't just list papers that cite this one, but things which are direct improvements) 3b. Often, papers are submitted with videos demonstrating the work. The paper is supposed to stand without the video. What video demonstration would you have liked to have seen to better appreciate the paper? 4. What recommendation would you have given this paper for publication in its venue? 1 = Reject 2 = Doubtful 3 = Possibly Accept 4 = Probably 5 = Definitely What recommendation would you give this paper for inclusion in a Computer Animation reading list? 1 = Reject (don't bother) 2 = Doubtful 3 = Possibly Accept 4 = Probably 5 = Definitely (this is seminal, everyone should read it) 5. Explain your recommendation?