Re-rendering A Face Image Based on the Quotient Image Computation

Guodong Guo

In this project, I implement the quotient image algorithm[1] for re-rendering a face image. The basic idea is to use a small number of examples with 3 different illuminations to learn the quotient image which is illumination invariant for a new input image, and then with various coefficients for linear combination, one can obtain different illumination effects.

In the following figure, the left one is the input face image, and the right short video is the re-rendered ones. You can observe the illumination variations on the faces (to see the video, please move the mouse to the face, then click the right button, and choose play).

For detailed process, please refer to [1].









1. A. Shashua and T. Riklin-Raviv, The quotient image: class-based re-rendering and recognition with varying illuminations, PAMI, vol. 23, no. 2, 129-139, 2001.