CS679 - Computer Game Technology

Course Policies

Note: These policies are always subject to amendment.

Requirements and Grading

There are two primary grading units in this course, both of which are important to satisfactory completion:

All programming projects must compile and run on Windows 2000 machines in the instructional labs. If it doesn't run, it doesn't get graded.

Late Policy

Project sub-parts will be accepted up to one week late, with a penalty of 10% per day: 10% of the grade that would have been given is subtracted each day.


Students will be required to work in groups of 2-4 people. All members of the group will receive the same project grade, unless there is evidence indicating that other action should be taken. At various points in the semester, students will be asked to rate their fellow group members with the intent of motivating equal effort across a group.

The purpose of working in groups is to generate more sophisticated games without over-burdening individual students.

This course will most likely encourage people to create the best game they can, which is good, but it should not consume all available time.

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