- Wednesday May 16, 10:00am
- Room 1325, Comp Sci & Stat
- 2 hours long.
- You are allowed to take in 1 double sided sheet with anything you like
written on it. No electronic devices of any sort.
- What you should know. It's a long list, but
very detailed.
- Note the slightly modified grading breakdown at the bottom of this page.
May 8
- Animation
- Lecture notes
- Homework 7 due. Solutions:
ps. For
some reason when I print the pdf version it does not print the minus signs.
May 10
- Review. Think about questions before you come to class.
- Homework 8 will not be graded but
does have some more sample exam questions. Make sure you know how to do
them. Solutions:
May 1
May 3
- Global Illumination Basics
- Lecture notes Many of the
images are from the CD in the back of the book, and are not reproduced
in the slides. They are referenced so you can look at them yourselves.
April 24
- Subdivision: Tesselating a sphere, Fractal terrain, Subdivision surfaces
- Lecture notes
- Sphere subdivision code. Hint: It can be
modified for the fractal terrain for project 3, but it still requires
some work.
- Homework 6 due. Solutions
April 26
April 17
April 19
- Class is in Psych 115. It's one the ground floor, and
really easy to find if you enter by the doors near the CS bulding on
Johnson St (in the 1 story piece of the building).
- Tensor product spline surfaces
- Lecture notes
- Project 3 goes out. Due 5pm May 11.
April 10
- Implicit Surfaces
- Production Rules for Modeling
- Splines: Hermite and Bezier
- Lecture notes
- Homework 5 due. Solutions
April 12
April 3
April 5
Mar 27
Mar 29
Mar 20
Mar 22
Mar 6
Mar 8
Feb 27
- Perspective Projection
- Polygon Clipping
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Watt Sections 5.2 and 6.1, OpenGL Chapter 3
Mar 1
- Clipping
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Watt Sections 1.4.3 and 1.4.4, Section 6.1
Feb 20
Feb 22
Feb 13
Feb 15
Feb 6
Feb 8
- Image sampling and reconstruction.
- Lecture notes
- I used Pat Hanrahan's notes
from Stanford in preparing this lecture.
They are your primary reference for this material.
- The textbook covers this material in Chapter 14. Note that figure 14.8
is missing some parts, and that section 14.8 is not required reading.
- Homework 2 goes out. Due Feb 20.
Jan 30
- Color spaces.
- Watt, Chapter 15, covers color. In particular, it includes a description
of monitor considerations that you should read. Ignore the stuff about
rendering and color -- we'll come back to that later.
- Lecture notes
- RGB Color Cube Program Code
- HSV Cone Program Code As an interesting
experiment, run the program with different monitors and look at the changes.
Feb 1
Jan 23
- Introduction to Computer Graphics and CS 559
- Programming Assignment 1
Even if you don't plan on using FLTK, read the assignment page.
- If you are unsure about vectors, look at Watt section 1.3. We will cover
the rest of Watt's chapter 1 later in the semester.
- Lecture notes
Jan 25
- Imaging, light, color and the human visual system.
- Homework 1. Due Feb 6 at
the start of class, in class.
- Lecture notes