Stand-Alone Downloads

Find your platform below, and download the two files. For help on the asvm training program, type asvm from the command line. Likewise, for help on the testing program, type asvm_test from the command line.

Windows 9x/2000/NT


SPARC Solaris

These executables have been tested under SunOS 5.6 and SunOS 5.7. If you are running a different version and have difficulties, you may need to compile the source code yourself.

Download the tar file below by clicking on it. Extract the executable files by entering the following command at a UNIX prompt:

tar xvf asvm.tar


How to use

There are two executable files:

asvm (or asvm.exe): This is the main program used for training the support vector machine.

Syntax: asvm [options] training_file solution_file

Type asvm with no arguments at the command prompt for a list of options.

Input: A comma delimited file of numeric attributes, where the last column is either a 1 or -1 to indicate to which class the point belongs.

For example:

94, 91, 27, 20, 15, 0.5, 1
87, 86, 28, 23, 21, 4.0, -1
89, 82, 23, 14, 35, 0.5, 1
87, 52, 21, 19, 30, 0.5, -1
93, 43, 11, 16, 54, 6.0, 1

Output: A flat file indicating the separating surface found, as well as any necessary normalization coefficients.

Sample usage:

asvm -converge -nu 500 trainset out.txt

asvm_test (or asvm_test.exe): This program is used to test the generalization capability of the separating surface which was found with the asvm program.

Syntax: asvm_test [options] training_file solution_file

Type asvm_test with no arguments at the command prompt for a list of options.

Input: A file of the same format as input to asvm, and the solution file from asvm.

Output: Generalization accuracy.

Sample usage:

asvm_test test_file out.txt

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