Dear DBWorld members, 

DBWorld has been managed at for 20 years, using software that is now outdated. So we are moving DBWorld to a new site run by ACM.

Starting immediately, we will temporarily disable new account registration. If you need to create a new account to post urgently, please email WE WILL MOVE DBWORLD TO THE NEW SITE TOMORROW THURSDAY SEPT 30, and if all go well, reopen new account registration soon after. 

This move should affect you only minimally, in the following ways: 

+ Starting from now until the end of Thursday, you may not be able to register a new account, or there may be a window of 3-4 hours that you cannot post. If you need any urgent help, please email 

+ You may also receive some welcome and test emails, as we subscribe you to the new mailing list. 

+ Once DBWorld has moved to the new site, you will get emails from, instead of from mailman at This may affect some filters you have set up to filter DBWorld emails. So you may have to revise these filters. 

You should not be affected in any other ways. The DBWorld GUI will remain the same. Again, if you have any concern, please email 

Thank you for your understanding, patience, and cooperation.
The DBWorld Team