
Call for Participation

BPM 2014
12th International Conference on Business Process Management 
7-11 September 2014, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 



You are kindly invited to participate in the 12th International 
Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2014). The BPM 
conference is the leading forum for researchers, practitioners, 
developers and users in the field of BPM to explore and exchange 
knowledge on BPM. The conference covers all aspects of BPM, including 
theory, models, techniques, architectures, systems, and empirical 
studies, and engages the most renowned representatives of the BPM 
community worldwide in talks, tutorials, and scientific discussions. 

After the decision to relocate BPM 2014, the conference will take place 
in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Eindhoven is known as the "Lichtstad" 
(City of Light) due to Philips' strong presence in the city and its 
history as a light bulb manufacturing company. Eindhoven is also the 
heart of Brainport, one of Europe's most vibrant and influential 
high-tech regions that was selected as the world's smartest region in 
2011. BPM 2014 will be hosted by Eindhoven University of Technology 
(TU/e), which is often ranked as one of the best European universities 
specializing in engineering science and technology. 

For travel arrangements, please check

Online registration is available at

Program Highlights 

Keynotes by renowned experts
   * Rob High, IBM
   * Keith Swenson, Fujitsu

10 Workshops 
   * 7th International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems 
     in Healthcare (ProHealth'14)
   * 3rd Workshop on Security in Business Processes (SBP'14)
   * 5th International Workshop on Process Model Collections: 
     Management and Reuse (PMC-MR'14)
   * International Workshop on Business Processes in Collective 
     Adaptive Systems (BPCAS'14)
   * 3rd Workshop Data- & Artifact-centric BPM (DAB'14)
   * 10th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence 
   * 2nd International Workshop on Business Process Management in the 
     Cloud (BPMC'14)
   * 3rd International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Process 
     Visualization (TaProViz'14)
   * 7th Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software 
   * International Workshop on Decision Mining & Modeling for Business 
     Processes (DeMiMoP'14)

Presentations of 21 full research and industry papers, and 10 short papers 

Co-located: 11th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal 
Methods - Formal Aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing

Accepted Papers

Full research and industry papers

   Martin Lehnert, Alexander Linhart and Maximilian Roeglinger	

 * Crowd-Based Mining of Reusable Process Model Patterns
   Carlos Rodriguez, Florian Daniel and Fabio Casati
 * Behavioral Comparison of Process Models Based on Canonically Reduced 
   Event Structures
   Abel Armas-Cervantes, Paolo Baldan, Marlon Dumas and Luciano García-

 * A Recommender System for Process Discovery
   Joel Ribeiro, Josep Carmona, Mustafa Misir and Michele Sebag

 * Monitoring Business Metaconstraints Based on LTL & LDL for Finite 
   Giuseppe De Giacomo, Riccardo De Masellis, Marco Grasso, Fabrizio 
   Maria Maggi and Marco Montali

 * Beyond Tasks and Gateways: Discovering BPMN Models with 
   Subprocesses, Boundary Events and Multi-Instance Markers
   Raffaele Conforti, Marlon Dumas, Luciano García-Bañuelos and 
   Marcello La Rosa

 * Where did I go wrong? - Explaining errors in business process models
   Niels Lohmann and Dirk Fahland

 * Mining Resource-Scheduling Protocols
   Arik Senderovich, Matthias Weidlich, Avigdor Gal and Avishai 

 * User-Friendly Property Specification and Process Verification - a 
   Case Study with Vehicle-Commissioning Processes
   Richard Mrasek, Jutta Mülle, Michael Becker, Klemens Böhm and 
   Christian Allmann

 * A General Framework for Correlating Business Process Characteristics
   Massimiliano de Leoni, Wil van der Aalst and Marcus Dees

 * Hierarchical Declarative Modelling with Refinement and Sub-processes
   Søren Debois, Thomas Hildebrandt and Tijs Slaats

 * Dealing with Changes of Time-Aware Processes
   Andreas Lanz and Manfred Reichert

 * Discovering Target-Branched Declare Constraints
   Claudio Di Ciccio, Fabrizio Maggi and Jan Mendling

 * Temporal Anomaly Detection in Business Processes
   Andreas Rogge-Solti and Gjergji Kasneci

 * Listen to me: Improving Process Model Matching through User Feedback
   Christopher Klinkmüller, Ingo Weber, Henrik Leopold, Jan Mendling 
   and Andre Ludwig

 * Implicit BPM: a Business Process Platform for Transparent Workflow 
   Ruben Mondejar, Pedro Garcia Lopez, Carles Pairot and Enric Brull

 * Analysis of Operational Data for Expertise Aware Staffing
   Renuka Sindhgatta, Gaargi B. Dasgupta and Aditya Ghose

 * A genetic algorithm for process discovery guided by completeness, 
   precision and simplicity
   Borja Vázquez-Barreiros, Manuel Mucientes and Manuel Lama

 * From a family of state based PAIS to a configurable and 
   parameterized business process architecture
   Andreas Rulle and Juliane Siegeris

 * Constructs Competition Miner: Process Control-flow Discovery of 
   BP-domain Constructs
   David Redlich, Thomas Molka, Gordon Blair, Awais Rashid and Wasif 

 * Modeling Concepts for Internal Controls in Business Processes – an 
   Empirically Grounded Extension of BPMN
   Martin Schultz and Michael Radloff

Short papers

 * DRain: A Novel Framework for QoR-driven Dynamic Data-Intensive 
   Analytics Processes
   Aitor Murguzur, Johannes M. Schleicher, Hong-Linh Truong, Salvador 
   Trujillo and Schahram Dustdar

 * Use Your Best Device! - Enabling Device Changes at Runtime
   Dennis Bokermann, Christian Gerth and Gregor Engels

 * The Automated Discovery of Hybrid Processes
   Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Tijs Slaats and Hajo A. Reijers

 * Declarative Process Model Mining: an Approach to Reduce Complexity 
   by Preprocessing Event Logs
   Pedro Richetti, Fernanda Baião and Flávia Santoro

 * Monitoring Framework for Process Discovery Based on Dynamic Context 
   Hierarchy Associations
   Mari Abe and Michiharu Kudo

 * SECPI: Searching for Explanations for Clustered Process Instances
   Jochen De Weerdt and Seppe Vanden Broucke

 * Strategies for Specifying Flexible Human Behavior in Interaction-
   Intensive Process Environments
   Christoph Dorn, Schahram Dustdar and Leon Osterweil

 * Assessing the Need for Visibility of Business Processes
   Enrico Graupner, Martin Berner, Alexander Maedche and Harshavardhan 

 * Predictive Task Monitoring for Business Processes
   Cristina Cabanillas, Claudio Di Ciccio, Jan Mendling and Anne 

 * Separating Execution and Data Management: A Key to Business-Process-
   as-a-Service (BPaaS)
   Yutian Sun, Jianwen Su and Jian Yang