
                         CALL FOR PARTICIPATION


                         *** ReactKnow 2014 ***                         

 International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation
                            August 19, 2014

                          Collocated with the
       21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014)
                        Prague, Czech Republic
                          August 18-22, 2014


In the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the subdomain of
Knowledge Representation (KR) has the aim to represent, integrate, and
exchange knowledge in order to provide reasoning about given and 
potentially incomplete information. While most traditional KR formalisms
are concerned with knowledge bases that do not change over time or are
only subject to occasional revisions, the advent of smart devices and
recent advances in Internet technology - guided by the visions of a
Semantic Web and the Internet of Things - has increased the interest in
online applications that are able to directly react on a possibly
infinite stream of external information such as sensor or network data.
While current approaches for handling continuous stream data focus on
rapid data processing, they lack complex reasoning capacities. Recent
endeavours try to combine KR formalisms such as answer-set programming,
Semantic Web ontologies, and multi-context systems with stream
processing for providing knowledge-intense stream reasoning capabilities
of various application areas such as urban computing, ambient assisted
living, robotics, or dynamic scheduling. The goal of making
sophisticated KR techniques accessible in the reactive setting poses
many scientific challenges how to deal with emerging as well as expiring
data in a seamless way.

The International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge
Representation (ReactKnow) aims to provide an international forum for
researchers in the AI and KR community to discuss and present advances
in theories, formalisms, and applications to get closer to the vision of
an artificial intelligence system which may react according to changing

We solicit the submission of papers broadly centered on issues and
research related to reactive concepts in KR. We welcome papers of either
theoretical or practical nature including reports on applications,
experiments, and work in progress.


The program of ReactKnow 2014 features eight accepted technical paper 
presentations and an invited talk, given by Michael Fink (TU Vienna).


Alexander Artikis, Marek Sergot, and Georgios Paliouras
  Reactive Reasoning with the Event Calculus

Gerhard Brewka, Stefan Ellmauthaler, and Jörg Pührer
  Multi-Context Systems for Reactive Reasoning in Dynamic Environments

Harald Beck, Minh Dao-Tran, Thomas Eiter, and Michael Fink
  Towards Ideal Semantics for Analyzing Stream Reasoning

Stefan Ellmauthaler and Jörg Pührer
  Asynchronous Multi-Context Systems

Ricardo Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr, and Joao Leite
  On Minimal Change in Evolving Multi-Context Systems - preliminary report

Ricardo Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr, and Joao Leite
  Towards Efficient Evolving Multi-Context Systems

Jörg Pührer
  Towards a Simulation-Based Programming Paradigm for AI Applications

Matthias Thimm
  Towards Large-scale Inconsistency Measurement


 Registration is operated by the ECAI 2014 organization. For corresponding 
 information, as well as for travel and accommodation details consult:


 Deadline for Early-Bird Registration: June 30, 2014


Stefan Ellmauthaler and Joerg Puehrer (Leipzig University, Germany)

Email: reactknow [at] informatik [dot] uni-leipzig [dot] de

