                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
	Sixth International Workshop on Real-Time Business Intelligence
                   BIRTE 2012 in conj. with VLDB 2012     
           Workshop date:                    Aug 27, 2012
           Workshop venue:                   Instanbul, Hilton Hotel
           URL:     			     http://birte2012.cs.wpi.edu

In today's competitive and highly dynamic environment, analyzing data to understand how the business is performing and to predict outcomes and trends has become critical. Users now demand easy-to-use intelligent platforms and applications capable of analyzing real-time data to provide insight and actionable information at the right time. The end goal is to support better and timelier decision making, enabled by the availability of up-to-date, high quality information. Although there has been progress in this direction and many companies are introducing products towards meeting this goal, there is still a long way to go. 
The series of BIRTE workshops aims to provide a forum to discuss topics related to this emerging field and set research directions towards making business intelligence more real-time.

9:00 - 10:00  Session 1: Opening 
   Keynote: Real-Time Reporting at Salesforce
   Donovan Schneider (Salesforce, USA)

10:30 - 12:00   Session 2: “Advanced Real-time BI Applications and Vivification”

   Real-time Business Intelligence in the MIRABEL Smart Grid System. 
   Ulrike Fischer (TU Dresden), Dalia Kaulakiene (AAU), Mohamed Khalefa (AAU), 
   Wolfgang Lehner (TU Dresden), Torben Pedersen (AAU), Laurynas Siksnys(AAU), 
   Christian Thomsen (AAU)

   Data Mining in Life Sciences Using In-Memory DBMSs: A Case Study On SAP HANA
   Joos-Hendrik Boese, Gennadi Rabinovitch, Matthias Steinbreche, Miganoush Magarian (SAP)

   The Vivification Problem in Real-Time Business Intelligence
   Patricia Arocena, Renee Miller, John Mylopoulos (University of Toronto)

1:30 - 3:30 Session 3: “ETL and Query Processing in Real-Time BI“ 

   On-Demand ETL Architecture for Right-Time BI" (invited talk)
   Florian Waas (EMC/Greenplumb)
   Joint work with R. Wrembel, T. Freudenreich, M. Thiele, C. Koncilia, P. Furtado 

   Instant-On Scientific Data Warehouses ---Lazy ETL for Data-Intensive Research.  
   Yagiz Kargin, Holger Pirk, Milena Ivanova, Stefan Manegold, and Martin Kersten (CWI,Netherlands)

   Query Processing of Pre-Partitioned Data Using Sandwich Operators. 
   Stephan Baumann (TU Ilmenau), Peter Boncz (CWI,Netherlands), Kai-Uwe Sattler (TU Ilmenau) 

4:00 - 6:00 Session 4:  ”Challenges and Advances in Analytics Platforms” 

   Life Analytics Service Platform (invited talk)
   Meichun Hsu (HP Labs, USA)

   Strategic Management for Real-Time Business Intelligence (position paper)
   Konstantinos Zoumpatianos, Themis Palpanas, John Mylopoulos (U.Trento, Italy)

   Pricing Approaches for Data Markets
   Alexander Löser (TU Berlin), Florian Stahl (U.of  Münster), Alexander Muschalle (TU Berlin), Gottfried Vossen (U.of Münster)
   Discussion and Closing 

    - General Chair
	Umeshwar Dayal (HP Labs, USA)
    - PC Chairs
	Malu Castellanos (HP Labs, USA)
    	Elke Rundensteiner (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA)