********** C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S ************

Semantic Interoperability in Medical Informatics
May 27, 2012 in Heraklion (Crete), Greece

Held in conjunction with ESWC 2012

•             ***Paper submission EXTENDED deadline: March 17, 2012
•             Notification of acceptance: April 10, 2012
•             Camera-ready of accepted papers: April 20, 2012
•             Workshop day: May 27, 2012

This workshop aims at fostering exchange of ideas and offering a suitable forum for discussions among researchers and developers on great 
challenges that are posed in the effort of combining information underlying the large number of heterogeneous data sources and knowledge 
bases in life sciences, including: 
–             Strong multi-level (semantic, structural, syntactic, interface) heterogeneity issues in clinical research and healthcare domains 
–             Semantic interoperability both at schema and data/instance level 
–             Handling of unstructured information, i.e., literature articles 
–             Reasoning on the wealth of existing data (published findings, background knowledge on diseases, drugs, targets, Electronic Health Records) 
               can boost and enhance clinical research and clinical care processes 
–             Acquisition/extraction of new knowledge from published information and Electronic Health Records 
–             Enhanced matching between clinicians as well as patients’ needs and available informational content

Within this context, we are inviting papers from a full range of topics listed below, describing novel and previously unpublished work pertaining 
to any aspect of semantic medical informatics and bioinformatics, from methodologies and knowledge models to applications and case studies in the 
broader e-health domain. 

Topics include, but are not limited to: 
- Knowledge Representation, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing
  +  Term Generation
  +  Text Annotation with Ontology Concepts
  +  Ontology development for clinical research and healthcare
  +  Ontology validation techniques
  +  Ontology-enabled interoperability among EHRs
  +  Linked Data and Ontology Population
  +  Word Sense Disambiguation in the biomedical domain
  +  Semantic Enabled Search Engines
  +  Ontology Evolution in the biomedical domain
  +  Information Extraction from biomedical data
  +  Biomedical Text Summarization
  +  Question Answering in the Biomedical Domain
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
  +  Data mining for anonymising patient records
  +  EHR data mining techniques
  +  Computational Methods for Identification of Biomarkers
  +  Mining Gene Expression Data
- Intelligent semantically-enabled services and information systems
  +  Data integration of heterogeneous knowledge and data sources
  +  Decision support services
  +  Data curation techniques
  +  Semantic Interoperability of services in the biomedical domain and e-health
  +  Semantic Service Orchestration
  +  Data source reputation services

Authors are invited to submit original papers the EasyChair system as a PDF file. The submitted articles should follow the LNCS paper format and 
should not exceed 12 pages in the case of full papers and 6 pages in the case of short papers. Full papers will be presented during the workshop 
orally at 20-minute slots, and short papers, as posters in the poster sessions. All papers submitted to the workshop will be peer-reviewed. Each 
will be reviewed by at least three reviewers.

•             Theodora Varvarigou (dora@telecom.ntua.gr) National Technical University of Athens, Greece
•             Michael Schroeder (ms@biotec.tu-dresden.de) Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC), Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany
•             George Tsatsaronis (george.tsatsaronis@biotec.tu-dresden.de) Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC), Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany
•             Rainer Winnenburg (rainer.winnenburg@biotec.tu-dresden.de) Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC), Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany
•             Vassiliki Andronikou (vandro@mail.ntua.gr) National Technical University of Athens, Greece
•	      Anastasios Tagaris (tassos@mail.ntua.gr) National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Dimitrios Alexandrou, Ubitech, Greece
Sophia Ananiadou, University of Manchester, UK
Christopher Baker, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Nik Bessis, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Olivier Bodenreider, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Philip Bourne, University of California San Diego, USA
Francisco Couto, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Francesco D’Andria, ATOS Origin, Spain
George Dimitrakopoulos , Harokopion University, Greece
Asuman Dogac, SRDC, Turkey
Udo Hahn, Jena University Language & Information Engineering Lab, Germany
Lawrence Hunter, University of Colorado, USA
Patrick Lambrix, Linkoping University, Sweden
Ulf Leser, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany
Philippe Massonet, CETIC, Belgium
Nikolaos Matskanis, CETIC, Belgium
George Paliouras, NCSR, Greece
Blanca Jordan Rodriguez, ATOS Origin, Spain
Alan Ruttenberg, University at Buffalo, USA
Stefan Schulz, University of Freiburg, Germany
Konstantinos Tserpes, NTUA, Greece
Ralf Zimmer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Germany

For further information on this workshop, please contact vandro@mail.ntua.gr