1st Announcement and Call for Contributions

Fraunhofer Symposium
Future Security

3rd Security Research Conference Karlsruhe

10th - 11th September 2008, Congress Center Karlsruhe, Germany



The conference will cover topics relevant to civil security research with emphasis on the protection of critical infrastructures (information and telecommunications networks, energy, transportation, banking and finance, chemical industry and hazardous materials, emergency services, postal and shipping, government facilities and other key assets).

The conference's aim is twofold: Firstly it wants to serve as an information platform for decision makers, executive bodies, and public authorities on the latest scientific results and developments in security research; secondly it wants to promote scientific interchange in the field. This year’s conference topics are listed below.

Key Topics

* Signal and Information Technologies.
  Data fusion techniques, data collection/data classification,
  image/pattern processing technology, information fusion technology,
  data and information management technology
* Sensor Equipment and Sensor Technologies for Detection
  of Dangerous Goods and Substances.
  CBRNE sensors, hyperspectral/multispectral sensors,
  hyperspectral/multispectral processing, autonomous small sensors/smart
  dust technolologies, IR sensor technologies, terahertz sensors,
  optical sensors technologies, acoustic sensors
* Security and Space.
  Earth observation
* Secure Identity.
  Fingerprints recognition (digital fingerprints), facial recognition,
  iris/retina, voice, handwriting, signature reconnaissance
* Survivability and Hardening Technologies.
  Anti-blast glasses/concretes, etc., critical buildings specific
  architectures, blast and shock effects, smart clothes and light
  materials for human protection, smart textiles, light materials for
  site protection, self-protective and explosive resistant material
* Risk and Vulnerability Analysis for Critical Infrastructures.
* Business models for Security.
  e.g. solutions for the logistics chain, challenges for airport
  security etc.

Target Group

- Industry
- Public End-Users
- Operators of Critical Infrastructure
- Research and Technology Organizations
- Universities


Paper submission:
 Abstracts due 29th February 2008
 Submit online at www.future-security.eu
 Author, Title, 200 words, text only, no illustrations.
 Please indicate whether oral or poster presentation is preferred.

Notification of acceptance: 20th March 2008

Paper submission due 23th May 2008

Program to be announced by May 2008

Conference Hosts

Fraunhofer Alliance for Defense and Security Research
with the following institutes:
* Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI
* Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid-State Physics, IAF
* Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, ICT
* Fraunhofer Institute for Information and Data Processing, IITB
* Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis, INT
* Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, IIS

Program Committee (inquired)

- Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
- Bernd Bechtold, b.i.g. bechtold INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT MBH
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Beyerer, Fraunhofer IITB
- Dr. Peter Boßdorf, Report Verlag GmbH
- Adam Stewart Cumming, DSTL
- Jürgen Ebner, Bundeskriminalamt BKA
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert, Fraunhofer SIT
- Ministerialdirigent Dirk Ellinger, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Elsner, Fraunhofer ICT
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Ender, FGAN FHR
- Dr. Gilles Fonblanc, SNPE Energetic Materials
- Dr. Jürgen Geisler, Fraunhofer IITB
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Grosche, FGAN FKIE
- Dr. Udo Helmbrecht, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
- Dr.-Ing. Albert Heuberger, Fraunhofer IIS
- Dr. Klaus Schymanietz, EADS Deutschland GmbH
- Paul Korting, TNO Defence
- Frau Monika Lieberam, THW
- Dr. Stefan Mengel, BMBF
- Christa Menke-Südbeck, Deutsche Bank AG
- Dr. Karsten Michael, Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Michel, ESRIF
- Kay Nehm, Generalbundesanwalt i.R.
- Markku Mesilaakso, Scientific Advisory Board for Defence, Finland
- Dr. Henric Östmark, FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency
- Prof. Dr. Leonhard Michael Reindl, IMTEK
- Franz-Josef Schneiders, BMVBS
- Dr. Schulze, Eurotech
- Dr. Alois J. Sieber, European Commission – Joint Research Centre
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stock, Bundeskriminalamt BKA
- Christoph Stroschein, GESA
- Prof. Dr. Maurus Tacke, FGAN FOM
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Thoma, Fraunhofer EMI
- Dr.-Ing. Stefan Tröster, Fraunhofer ICT
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Ambacher, Fraunhofer IAF
- Dr. Uwe Wiemken, Fraunhofer INT
- N.N., Land Baden-Württemberg
- N.N., Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

Conference Chair
Prof. Dr. Klaus Thoma, Director Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics
Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI
Chairman of Fraunhofer-Alliance for Defense and Security Research

Conference Management
Birgit Bindnagel
PR officer
Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics
Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI
Eckerstraße 4
79 104 Freiburg
Phone: +49 761 2714-366
Fax: +49 761 2714-1366


Congress Center, Karlsruhe
Am Festplatz
76137 Karlsruhe