Received from Mike Carey on April 19: CS-764 Folks, Here's the timetable for the last two weeks of the semester, for planning purposes... 5/3 (Wednesday) - Code "slush" (Minirel components) 5/5 (Friday) - ENDTERM EXAM, 7:15-9:15pm 5/8 (Monday) - Final code freeze (Minirel components) 5/9 (Tuesay) - LAST LECTURE (Devoted to project Q&A) 5/11 (Thursday) - Demos of Minirel components (NO LECTURE) 5/12 (Friday) - Written reports due (all teams) 5/15 (Monday) - Integrated project demo (project mgmt team) The basic plan for finishing out the project is that each component's team will have two responsibilities - to your individual component, and to help in the overall system integration process. Each team will need to ensure that their component works as advertised. By Wednesday 5/3 you'll need to have your code "nearly" frozen (hence the name "slush") and give a compilable and runnable (albeit fragile and maybe even slightly buggy) version to the project management team. Then you'll have until Monday 5/8 to finish your development work and to give them the final version of your code. After that, the individual component teams can write their reports (which should be documents that describe each component) and prepare for their demos. Demos will be on 5/12 for the individual components, and there will be no lecture that day. During that last week, you will also be responsible for responding to problem/bug reports from the project management team as they try to get things working together. (In theory, if each component works as advertised, this will be easy for them - but in practice, they'll surely be busy that week, and you'll need to read and respond to their e-mail.) In order to clear the way for the last push on the project, the endterm exam will be given on Friday of the week BEFORE the last week of classes, and no new lecture material will be covered after that point. The second-to-last day of class will be a session devoted to discussing the state of the Minirel system (attendance mandatory for at least one team member from each group!), and the last day of class will be "demo day" for the project components, by appointment. Regarding the endterm, don't panic if you've already planned to be out of town that day due to a job interview, a wedding, or whatever; just let me know (preferably now) and we can work out a time for you to take the exam after you get back from your travels. Cheers, Mike