Accomplishments: the End Product
The Minirel II system is not yet completed. As of May 15, simple
joins could be performed, indicies created and destroyed, relations created
and destroyed, and optimization observed. These systems are not yet
integrated with one another, however.
The concurrency side of Minirel II has not been introduced yet.
Once the single user version is running, the cooncurrency subsystems can
be added.
Status of Integration
All work is done on HPs. Currently, two different compilers are being used
in the integratin process. It is recommended that the project switch to
Suns as the HPs are far too slow for this work.
Parser - Optimizer - Relational Operators - Heap Files: Linked
together. Faked relations allow testing of joins. Catalog information
is needed before the relational operators can be tested as a true query
run through the parser / optimizer / planner.
Operating System - Catalogs - HeapFiles - Linear hashing - Buffer Manager - Disk Space Management:
These systems are all linked together. The utilities for creating indicies,
relations, and destroying them have been implemented. The transaction
logic that is needed for the multi-user version has been implemented.
Next Step
The next step for the integration process is to integrate heap files,
access methods and the relational operators. Once this is done, the utlities
can create a database on which to perform simple queries.
Compiler incompatibilities need to be addressed. Currently the
optimizer can be compiled only using version 2.6.0 of GNU g++. An attempt
at compiling it using 2.6.2 failed.
BTrees need to be integrated.
The multi-user systems have been tested together far more than the
single-user systems, so it is hoped that their integration will be straight
forward. The teams that wrote the multi-user code have a good grasp of
the problems at had and it seems that they have addressed them appropriately.