Overview of the Subsystems
The parser was inherited from Minibase, which in turn inherited
it from the Gamma and Exodus projects. It handles the full range of SQL
queries, although some of them are not yet supported by Minirel II (such
as relation creation, inserts, deletes). It does type checking of the
query, consulting the Minirel II catalogs as it does so. It does not
actually call the real Minirel II catalogs. A fake interface is currently
The Minirel II optimizer was also inherited from Minibase, and it
was expanded and altered to adapt to a new runtime planner. The Minirel II
optimizer currently supports two types of joins: nested loops and sort-merge.
Runtime Planner
The runtime planner walks the optimized plan tree and creates
iterators for the various joins, access methods and scans as needed. Some
of the interfaces between the optimizer and planner are inelegant, but these
problems are a result of the previous design of the optimizer.
Relational Operators
Selections, projections and joins all manipulate tuples and the
fields of the tuples. Currently nested loops and sort-merge joins are
supported, although the code for a number of other joins exists. Every
join does selection and projection at the end of its operation.
The relational operators received access methods as arguments.
These can be iterators on top of indicies or on top of the relation itself
(the heap file).
Heap Files
Heap Files store relations and catalog information. They request pages
from the global disk space manager system.
Currently BTrees and linear hashing indicies are supported. They
are both derived from a common base class so that the relational operators
can easily manipulate them.
Buffer Manager
Manages a fixed size buffer pool, supporting the pinning and
unpinning of pages.
Disk Space Map:
Some last minute changes (relating to concurrency) caused
some changes to the design of the disk space management interface.
The entire databse is implemented as a UNIX file, with the disk space
manager allocating pages to heap files (where the relations are stored),
to indicies, and to the catalogs.
Catalogs maintain information about the number of attributes
in a relation, the indicies supported, and cardinality information. They
were expanded in Minirel II to provide more information faster with a
simpler interface.