We implemented the space manager and the heapfile
components of minirel. The space manager comprises of the classes
DB, DSM and Page. These had to be implemented from scratch
since the notion of a database was entirely different from the
previous version of minirel. The DB and DSM classes were initially
implemented to support a very general use of databases. In
particular, it supported multiple open databases within a process and
several different databases being opened by different processes. The
change in the design to permit only one open database and only one
database across all processes resulted in us going back to the code
and removing all the generality from it. Further, the bit level
manipulations that are necessary for maintaining the space map were
typically hard and required exhaustive testing to ensure their
The heapfile component consists of the HeapFile, HFPage and Scan
classes. Of these, the HFPage code could be re-used in large part
from the earlier version of minirel. However, since the heapfile
itself is now built on top of totally different interface, most of
HeapFile code had to be written afresh. An entire new class Scan was
implemented to support sequential scans.
The development of the multiuser versions of the above required us to
modify some of the single user code to now deal with shared
memory. Further, locking and logging for concurrency control and crash
recovery ensured that we had a complete understanding of the
primitives offered, their limitations and means of obtaining the best
results with them.
Ravi Murthy
Sriram Narasimhan