Tuple Class
Donko Donjerkovic, donjerko@cs.wisc.edu
Description (Taken from header file)
Tuples (or Records) will be typeless, i.e. we could not say what is
in tuple just by looking at it.
This means that whenever the tuples are passed around, additional
type information should be given separately.
Tuple is able to return stored data provided we ask for
specific type.
To create the Tuple you WILL NOT use the constructor but
something like this:
Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*) new char[Tuple::max_size];
Where int Tuple::max_size is defined GLOBALLY.
For error messages see the file error.h
-------------------- WARNING ------------------------
This class is written using low level pointer arithmetic and
if not used correctly may cause lot of trouble.
How to start using the Tuple Class
Some functions of this class are returning error status which I have
defined in the files error.C and error.h. These are the original Minibase
files augmented with couple of my definitions (which are at the begining
of each file).
To test the class I have provided main routine in file tuple_test.C.
This test program also serves as an example on how to use the class.
to compile all this type:
g++ tuple_test.C tuple.C error.C
Please report all the bugs back to me.
Relevant files, version of April 7