Minirel Buffer Manager Report
Minirel Buffer Manager Report
Prepared by Kan Qiu
Fei Su
(fei@cs) May 13 ,1995
Buffer manager plays an important role in the Minirel multi-user database
system. It manages a number of memory frames and book-keeps based on a
hashing table inside the shared memory region. Buffer manager sits between
upper level database access methods and the lower level space management.
Buffer manager is also extensible with respect to different replacement
polocies, i.e., user can change the buffer frame replacement policy to
any user defined policy as long as user can provide an replacer class
whose public interfaces are identical to those of the default replacer
class Clock based on the clock algorithm. Writes of dirty pages are handled
synchronously when dirty pages are replaced ; the buffer manager also
support the reservation of blocks of pages for use, e.g., by fancy join method
that utilize large amounts of buffer space. Buffer manager observe steal and no force policy.
Buffer manager provides basic methods such as page pinning and unpinning,
page allocation and deallocation , buffer frame reservation and release
for some special join methods . Most minirel components of Minirel have to
interact with buffer manager. Most public interfaces of buffer manager
are designed for access methods(B+Tree, Linear Hashing , Grid Files ,
R-Trees,etc.) and join methods. Buffer manager has to use interfaces
provided by space manager to do disk I/O for frame replacement. Also buffer
manager communicates with recovery manager to provide the checkpoint
service and log manager to enforce write after log(WAL) policy. After all,
buffer manager uses synchronization machanisms provided by OS group to
achieve mutual exclusion during its critical sections.
class BufMgr {
BufMgr(); //Buffer pool size is set to be a default integer
~BufMgr(); //flush all valid dirty pages to disk
Status pinPage(int PageId_in_a_DB, Page*& page,int emptyPage=0);
// check if this page is in buffer pool, otherwise
// find a frame for this page , read in and pin it.
// also write out the old page if it's dirty before
// reading if emptyPage==TRUE, then actually no
// read is done to bring the page
Status unpinPage(int globalPageId_in_a_DB, int dirty=FALSE);
// if pincount>0, decrement it and if it becomes zero,
// put it in a group of replacement candidates.
// if pincount=0 before this call, return error.
Status newPage(int& firstPageId, Page*& firstpage,int howmany=1);
// call DB object to allocate a run of new pages and
// find a frame in the buffer pool for the first page
// and pin it. If buffer is full, ask DB to deallocate
// all these pages and return error
Status freePage(int globalPageId);
// user should call this method if it needs to
// delete a page this routine will call DB to
//deallocate the page
Status reserve(int number, Page* pagelist[]);
// reservation of a number of frames for special
// purpose,actually it just pin these frames and
// remove them from the buffer table.
Status commit();
// for Xact to notify bufferMgr to
// really delete pages
Status release(int number, Page* pagelist[]);
//only release those reserved by previous interface
//This routine includes unpinPage operation.
Status dirtyPageTable(int& Num_of_dirtyPage,
int globalPageId[],
//user provides an array to hold Ids
lsn_t recovery_LSN[]
//user provides the space
//(we don't assume that recovery manager has
//to know the size of the buffer pool)
//and an array of integers in the user
//provided integer buffer of some maximum
//size of buffer pool size.
void last_lsn_flushed(lsn_t last_lsn);
// To be called by log manager
void printSelf(void);
Buffer manager is implemented by the BufMgr class.
Besides the lock machanisms, private members of the BufMgr class
include an array of Page objects ,which is the real buffer pool,
a BufHashTbl object, which is in charge of book-keeping for
each frame and hashing search, a REPLACER(Clock) object enforcing the
clock algorithm and finally a lsn_t object to record the latest
log tail that's written to the disk. We discuss all major internal
designs as follows:
- BufMgr Class's Private Members
- lsn_t BufMgr::wal_lsn
To enforce WAL ( write after log) protocol , wal_lsn records
the page_lsn corresponding to the latest disk write of the log tails.
Communications between log manager and buffer manager are made possible
by void BufMgr::last_lsn_flushed(lsn_t last_lsn) and
Status LogMgr::bufmgr_flush(void) (see report of log manager for details) ,
Every time when log manager flush it log tail , it will use last_lsn_flushed
public interface of buffer manager in inform buffer manager and buffer
manager will update its wal_lsn accordingly. Whenever a dirty page has to
be written back to the disk , its pagelsn is compared to wal_lsn. If
pagelsn is less than wal_lsn , page is written without calling log manager,
otherwise , a call will be made to log manager's bufmgr_flush() method
before writing of the page.
- Semaphore BufMgr::lsnlock
Used to protect the critical section when we update wal_lsn
- Semaphore BufMgr::lock
This lock is enforced to protect critical sections at BufMgr
- BufHashTbl BufMgr::hashTable
It includes hash table lookup , insert and delete of a particular
page , and an array of buffer descriptor table for the book-keeping of
each individual page frame in the buffer pool.
- Page BufMgr::bufPool[NUMBUF]
The actual buffer pool container, when a page is pinned, a pointer
pointing to the corresponding entry ( a Page object) is return to the user.
- Clock BufMgr::replacer
The replacer should be an independent replacement policy maker.
It has its own book-keeping about which frame is pinned and what the pin
count number. Therefore every piece of information about the status change
of each frame has to be passed to this class. It pick_victim() method will
return a replaceable frame number if it exists.
- BufDesc Class
This is the most basic class used in buffer manager. It contains all
the necessary book-keeping information about status of the corresponding
- int BufDesc::pageNo
Page number of the page that is contained in this buffer frame.
Page number is unique inside a DB class.
- int BufDesc::dirty
This flag represents if this page has been modified. dirty=1 if
the page is modified.
- lsn_t BufDesc::RecLSN
It contain the recovery lsn of current page in this frame. Whenever
a new page is read from the disk. A call to recovery manager has been made
to get the corresponding recovery lsn for this page. When dirtyPageTable()
method of BufMgr is called by recovery manager, buffer manager will provide
the dirty page table that will include this member for each dirty page.
- int BufDesc::reading
This member flags the I/O status of current page. Since disk I/O
calls consume considerable amount of time, we need to keep disk I/O
process outside the critical section of the whole buffer pool's page
search. But this causes problems of some race condition. For example,
it's possible that two processes are almost at the same time want to pin
one page that is outside the buffer pool. If there were no concurrency
control, the two processes might both encounter page miss and ask for
a frame from buffer pool. What we really want is that, who ever first
find the page miss will do the page reading from the disk. Everybody else
who are requesting the same page have to wait for the completion of the
I/O incurred by the first comer. When the page is in, everybody requesting
the same page will proceed. Although this situation is handled well in
current implementation , there is glitch if a third process wants to
read the old dirty page that is inside the frame that's involved in I/O,
It's possible for it to read the old version of that victim page from the
disk instead of the dirty version ( current version ) of the same page
because the dirty version might not be reflected on the disk if the writing
isn't finished.
- Semaphore BufDesc::iolock
This semaphore is for the synchronization of the situation metioned
in explanation of member reading. This iolock is enforced right before the
process release the the lock that's enforced on the whole BufMgr, after
I/O process signal has been set in member reading.
- int prevframe and int nextframe
Both serve as double linked list pointers in the array. Initially
all frame descriptors are linked in one free list. If one frame is pinned,
its prevframe and nextframe are changed correspondingly to represent a
frame in the hash table.
Actually we should really leave this two member out of the class
because they are used to maintain the list of hash table buckets. We thought
maintaining a dynamic link list inside the shared memory would be very
expensive and hard to manipulate. So we decided to implement the whole hash
table statically by using three array of integers. Since the biggest number of
hash table buckets is at most the same as the number of frames in the buffer
pool, so just combine two of the arraies with the buffer pool description
table (called BufDesc BufHashTbl::bufTable[NUMBUF] here). Later versions
of Minirel could be improved by separating the hash table information from
the description table to achieve more code independence.
- BufHashTbl Class
- int BufHashTbl::hash ( int pageNo )
We used to have some nontrivial hash function when we wanted to
implement multiple DB objects sharing same buffer manager. Now, since
DB is unique with respect to a buffer manager, this hash function
is just one line of code. We don't bother to eliminate it.
- int BufHashTbl::insert ( int pageNo , int frameNo )
Insert the frameNo into the hash table slot that is related to
the hash value of the pageNo, and initialize the corresponding
frame descriptor, e.g., setting pageNo and initializing dirty flag.
These modifications of the hash table is done atomically by the protection of
Semaphore BufHashTbl::lock.
- int BufHashTbl::lookup ( int pageNo )
Search the hash table to see if this page (pageNo) is already
in the hashtable. return -1 if it's hash table miss. This operation is
proteected by Semaphore BufHashTbl::lock.
- int BufHashTbl::remove ( int frameNo )
Disconnect the association between this frameNo and a hash table
slot. Normally this interface is called if the page in this frameNo is
picked as replacement victim. It initializes all members of the
BufDesc object associated with frameNo. This method is also done
atomically by the protection of Semaphore BufHashTbl::lock.
- int BufHashTbl::display ( void )
Print out whole hash table. A list of frames ( with a page number in
and dirty flag ) are printed for every hash table value. "NONE" is printed
is no frame is associated with a hash table value. This is also protected
by Semaphore BufHashTbl::lock to make a consistent output.
- int BufHashTbl::ht[HTSIZE]
This array of integers represent the header for each hash value slot.
Initialized -1 ( means no frame associated), it will be set to the frame number
of the first page associated with this slot. At the same time , the preframe
member in that descriptor also points to back to the ht entry. Basically
double linked lists are maintain here. Every ht entry is one of the end of
each double linked list. Every lookup operation begin with a ht entry.
- Semaphore BufHashTbl::lock
Protect lookup , remove and insert operation from other process's
- BufDesc BufHashTbl::bufTable[NUMBUF]
This is the array of BufDesc objects. It records all frame and page
- Clock Class ( an example of replacer )
This class is independent from the BufMgr object. Different
replacement policy could be implemented using the same interface that
Clock has. All BufMgr page operations are passed to Clock object via
pin , unpin , free methods and Clock can do its own book-keeping independent
from BufMgr. An available frame is returned via pick_victim methods.
- int Clock::pin ( int frameNo )
- int Clock::unpin ( int frameNo )
- int Clock::free ( int frameNo )
- int Clock::pick_victim ( void )
- void Clock::info ( void )
- Global Variables Needed from Outside buffer manager
- extern lsn_t invalid_lsn
- extern global_error* minirel_error
- extern DB* db
- Global Variables Only Inside buffer manager
- int pending_free_array[]
If a transaction wants to free a dirty page, buffer manager
will do the real free operation at the commit time. So every transaction
should call BufMgr::commit() during its commit operation.
- int num_pending_free
Counts the number of freed dirty pages by current transaction
- #define NUMBUF 8
It's the number of page frames in the buffer pool.
- #define HTSIZE 5
It's the hash table size. It is alway a prime number.
We had to rewrite the buffer BufMgr class although new code inherit
some basic data structure names and functionality. First of all,
old code does not have independent replacement class, so we had to design
an totally isolated and extensible relacement class. Second,
we decided to try to avoid dynamic memory allocation inside the buffer
manager because we did not expect to be able to dynamically allocate
memory in the shared mode without any extra trouble. Third,
multi-user buffer manager class is much more complicated than the
single user version, besides our overall architecture changed a lot
from the original single user minirel, therefore those three hundred lines
of old buffer manager is not very attractive to us. However, old version
of buffer manager did serve as a good example about how the interfaces
look like and how buffer manager is structured. We successfully combined
codes from space manager and os group and new error protocol and
wrote a comprehensive test.C driver to test multi-user code.
We wrote a driver named test.C with independent friendly user interface
to test every public interfaces of our buffer manager code. For example,
we intentionally created some break point in our code to check the correctness
of the concurrency control. To test the case of multiple users are accessing
the same page that is not in the buffer pool, we set a stop point inside
one of the critical sections. Tests proved that our implementation can
correctly handle the case of multiple reading of a single page from the disk
by different users. Unfortunately, however, we failed to prectect the
consistency of replaced page during a particular race situation. Therefore
future enhancement has to be made.
In the multi-user version of minirel, the most important problem for
buffer manager is to ensure mutual exclusion and synchronization at least
price of concurrency. In retrospect, we did much work to make it functional
in multi-user version, but we also made some mistakes.
Because disk I/O is very slow, we don't want to block all other processes
when one process is doing disk read or write. This means when one process
wants to do disk I/O, it will release the lock on the buffer manager,
and let other processes call any functions in buffer manager, thus
synchronization problem is a big issue in this case.
There are many problems related to disk I/O. One is read/read problem, i.e.
if one process wants a page which is being read from the disk by other process,
it has to be blocked until the disk read is completed. We solved this problem
by adding a semaphore to each descriptor and let processes wait on this
semaphore when disk read is in progress. At the same time, lock on
buffer manager is released to improve concurrency. A potential problem to
this approach is that maybe too many semaphores are needed in the case that
there are many many page frames in the buffer pool, because we need one
semaphore for each page frame. Now we are going to change to another
approach in which we associate a waiting list to each page frame and put
each process to sleep on its own semaphore. In this approach, less semaphores
are needed. Actually, only two or three semaphores are needed in the buffer
manager class.
Another problem related to disk I/O is more subtle than the previous one.
And we overlooked it until Professor Carey pointed it out us. The problem is,
when a process decides to do a disk read due to a miss in the pool,
Let's first describe the situation here. Every time when a victim frame
is picked up,
if the frame contains a dirty page, the victim page has to be
written to disk and
the new page needed is read from disk to the frame. Here both disk
write and disk read
are needed, and both will take a long time thus both need to be outside
the buffer manager critical section. Both operations could be delayed
due to some reason, at the same time other process could get into
buffer manager asking for exactly the victim page which has not yet been
written into disk and will get a miss in the buffer hash table and
read the page from disk , thus get an older version, leaving the database
in a inconsistent state.
We are going to solve this problem. Our solution is to associate the buffer
manager a write-out list and semaphore to control the write list.
We will put all scheduled write-out page id in this list.
If a miss happens when looking up a page id, the process will first grab a
victim frame, second check the write-out list, if the page is still in the
list, copy it into the frame, otherwise read it from disk as usual.
The write-out list is updated just before the new page is read into the
victim frame. Here we
just outlined the solution. We are still working on it.