Minibase To Do Page - Grossly Outdated..
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- Check and make sure that the AM pages are all bigger than
the DATASIZE of a page - recsize
- On entering values (utility functions) "5" with a space after it is not the same as "5".
Need to fix the type checking & atoi algorithm.
- Prompt the user for the working directory. This is where all the
databases will be. Problem solved differently
- Doing joins on empty relations can crash:
select emp.ename, dept.dname
from emp, dept
where emp.ename = "John" and emp.did = dept.did;
- The answer tuple's fields do not always correspond to the query:
select e.did, d.dname
from Emp e, Dept d
where e.did = d.did;
{toy, 3}
- Buffer Manager Free Page should NOT put page on free list
before checking pin count.
- Change linearHash Tests gen_rec back to the original one.
Don't think that I was crazy by using the very simple one, but
I was having all sorts of purify errors and I was getting
desperate. Then the errors all fixed themselves, so we can go back.
- Use LinearHashingFile::destroyFile(void) as the basis for scanning the entire
Linear Hash index.
- create.C = Line 72 = checking tuple size doesn't really work
- Catalog info is stored as tuples. But all the work in the
catalog calls is done as structs. This is not a problem, but
if we had known more about the final product, we might have
rewritten things to make it a little clearer.
- Load doesn't work yet (should be a very minor change)
Ranjani Ramamurthy