Assignment 1: FAQ (and answers)


"How do I create binary data files?"

Sample ascii data files and an ascii->binary data file converter are provided in /u/course/cs564/assigns/assign1/data. Use this to create your own binary data files for testing. (Look at README in that directory for more info)

"How do I initialize the const data members of my objects?"

Here is an example:

class PinkFloyd {
    PinkFloyd(int the_world) : they_rule(the_world) {}

    const int they_rule;

For more info, lookup "constant data members" in your favorite C++ book!

"How do I pass the INT/STR argument to the RecSpec constructor?"

Field_type is defined within the scope of RecSpec. If you are outside this scope, you must specify to C++ that you want the field_type in the RecSpec scope (ie, RecSpec::INT, not INT). Lookup the scope operator (::) in your least disliked C++ book for more info.

"Where is the solution?"


(Note, the current TAs did not write the solution.)