Why the Victim Data Structures Exist (Can Ignore this for Single-User Minibase)

A transaction requests a page through the pinPage command. The Buffer Manager needs to first select a frame in which to read in the required page. While selecting a frame, a latch is taken on the hash table to ensure that no other process accesses the same frame concurrently. The frame may contain a page that is dirty and needs to be written to disk. Nonetheless, once a frame is picked, the latch on the hash table is released, even before the dirty page (if any) in the frame is written to disk. We do this because no lock need be held on the hash table during I/O.

Consider what would happen if a different process were to now ask for the same page that was just picked as the victim. The victim page is yet to be written to disk. This new process will read the page off disk, which is an older image, and thus there will be a version mismatch.

One easy solution to the problem would be to only release the latch on the hash table after the dirty victim page has been written to disk. This, however decreases concurrent access to the buffer pool. The victim data structures offer an alternative solution to the problem.

As soon as we find that a victim page (i.e., a page chosen for replacement) is dirty, we put it into a victim_list, which is a list of pages that have been evicted from the buffer pool and are dirty and waiting to be written to disk. A semaphore guards access to this list. When a process comes in and asks for a page, and does not find it in the hash table, it first checks the victim_list before reading the page in from disk. If the required page is found in the victim_list, the process requests a frame and copies the required page into the selected frame.

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