Grid File

M. Stubbs cs 764 May 1995


The gridfile is a data access method to find data by more than one attribute at one time.. The original gridfile description specified in-memory scales for all the dimensions and a dimension-way array kept on disk. It does not seem feasible to directly implement the array structure in a direct obvious way due to performance problems when new slices are inserted in the array . Therefore various schemes have been proposed such as the multi-level directory implementation I have used here. This method was proposed by Klaus Hinrichs 1984 and Henk Blanken et al 1990 (the Generalized Grid File) among others. While the original gridfile specified 2 disk accesses to find an exact match , the multi-level directory implementation has to read as many pages as the depth of the tree, as a B+ tree. It is very similar to a B+ tree in concept and is also said to resemble a k-d-b tree .

This particular gridfile implementation is only two dimensions and the only data type is float . Only insertion and scanning was implemented as there was not time to tackle the hairy deletion algorithm. This program is a stand-alone program that was not integrated in with the minirel system. It calls the minirel single-user version buffer manager code. Note that this implementation does not support more duplicate cases of a key than MAXRECS - 1 (MAXRECS is the number of entries per data page ). This gridfile is only a secondary index. What is stored are the keys and the record id, i.e. page number and slot number.

Also note that as is the program artificially limits the number of data items per data page to 5 vs the 63 possible for a usable pagesize of 1020 bytes. (This is held in the MAXRECS variable). Also the directory size was limited to 150 bytes (MAXDIRSIZE) variable from the potential 1020. This was done for demonstration purposes. One could change these constants and recompile if different values were desired.

External Interface

GridFile functions:

// create a gridfile. filename is the name of the gridfile. The status of the creation is returned in status and

// should be OK. Keytypes and num_dimensions have to be given but must always be real,real and 2

// respectively.

GridFile (enum Status &status, const char * filename, const void * KeyTypes, const int maxstr, const int num_dimensions)

// This constructor opens a prior-existing gridfile of name given in filename. Status returned in status.

// This code does not work because the version of buffermanager et al I was using did not correctly

// return the header page number. All the code on the gridfile end is there to do this is there however.

GridFile (enum &status, const char * filename);

//Insert keys /rid combination into gridfile. keyarray is float keys[2] cast to (void *) . First dimension key

// should be placed in keys[0] and second dimension key in keys[1]. rid.PageNo should have page number

// and rid.slotNo should have the slotnumber. If insertion was successful returns OK.

enum Status insert (const void * keyarray, const RID rid);

// destroyFile Removes the gridfile index pages from the database.

enum Status destroyFile();

//setup a scan of a gridfile. As above lowkeys and highkeys are float keys[2] cast to (void *).

// lowkeys[0] is lowest value want on first dimension, highkeys[0] is highest value want on first //dimension, lowkeys[1] is lowest value want on second dimension, lowkeys[2] is highest value want on

//second dimension. status, hopefully OK is returned in status variable.

GridfileScan *new_scan (Status status, const void * lowkeys, const void * highkeys);

//print the gridfile pages out


GridFileScan functions:

//If successful returns MATCH and sets given mykeys pointer to next keys found in gridfile and also

//returns the recordid of those keys.

enum status get_next (float *&mykeys, RID &record_id);

Creating a gridfile: practical example:

//The minimal gridfile access main program :

#include <iostream.h>

#include "minirel.h"

#include "gridfile.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#include "gridarray.h"

#include <iostream.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <assert.h>

#include "buf.h"

#include "Clock.h"

#include "db.h"

#include "const.h"

DSM dsm;

DB db("junk",100); //database name here is junk, size 100

BufMgr bm;

int Xid;

Error err;

int debug;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])


#define MAXSTR 6 //This is bogus. Doesn't matter what number this is

#define NUMDIM 2 //number dimensions can only be 2

float keys[2],lowkeys[2],highkeys[2];

float *mykeys;

AttrType keytypes[NUMDIM];

RID rid,myrid;

Status mystat;

GridFileScan *myscan;

//keytypes can *only* be real but we have to do this anyway

keytypes[0] = attrReal;

keytypes[1] = attrReal;

//------------------ startup: create a gridfile --------------

//Here we create 'mygridfile'.

//'garbage' is the name of the symbolic file our gridfile goes into.

GridFile mygridfile (mystat,"garbage",(void *) keytypes,MAXSTR,NUMDIM);

//------------------- insert into gridfile -----------------

// example of inserting a keys,rid pair into the gridfile:

// keys on dimension 0 is 42, on dimension 1 is 87 and

// the record is described by slot number 5 on page 11.

// status returned should be OK.

// Will fail to insert record that has duplicate keys and rid

keys[0] = 42;

keys[1] = 87;

rid.pageNo = 11;

rid.slotNo = 5;

mystat = mygridfile.insert((void *)keys,rid);

//------------------------ printing gridfile ---------------

//example of printing the gridfile:

mygridfile.print(); //print some basic info about file

mygridfile.printtree(); //print all the pages

//---------------- exact match scan --------------------------

// example of exact match search:

//search for record with dimension 0 key 42, dimension 1 key 87:

// note same values given for both low and hi keys of "range"

keys[0] = 42;

keys[1] = 87;

// have to create a scan first

myscan = mygridfile.new_scan(mystat,keys,keys);

// then tell it to get the next item

// POINTER to keys are returned in mykeys and rid is returned in myrid

while (myscan->get_next(mykeys,myrid) == MATCH)

{// do something


// dont forget to delete it

delete myscan;

//-------------------- range scan --------------------

lowkeys[0] = 11;

lowkeys[1] = 345;

highkeys[0] = 765;

highkeys[1] = 3724;

//Above specifies we want between 11 and 765 on dimension 0 and

//between 345 and 3724 on dimension 1.

//so initialize the scan:

myscan = mygridfile.new_scan(mystat,lowkeys,highkeys);

//and then retrieve the matching entries.

//Pointer to keys and rid found returned by getnext.

while (myscan->get_next(mykeys,myrid) == MATCH)

{// do something


//when you're done, delete it

delete myscan;

//Note if you do not care about a particular range boundary value

//put the minimum possible value in for the appropriate lowkey

//or the maximum possible value for the high key as the case may be.

//---------------------------- destroy gridfile ----------------

// destroy the gridfile: (actually delete its pages from database).


// -------------------------- close down ------------------------------

//you can delete the gridfile object or let it go away when main ends.

//this closes the gridfile. To remove it, call destroyFile.


Internal Design

(Note the example gridfile created by my program at the end of this section.)

We have 2 basic kinds of pages in our structure. There are directory pages and data pages. Directory pages have a scale for the "i" dimension also known as dimension 0 and the "j" dimension also known as dimension 1 . Directory pages also have a 2-D array which hold the next level of pages. The next level of pages can be directory pages themselves or data pages. Data pages have the key0, key1, record Id entries on them. Thus this form of gridfile is a kind of B+ tree. Blanken et al also feel that this design is basically the same as a k-d-b tree. Unlike a B+ tree the leaf pages are not linked horizontally. We assume that anyone wishing to do a full filescan would use a clustered index on the dataset instead of asking the gridfile to do the scan. I maintain a header page that contains basic information about the gridfile such as number_of_dimensions, key types, and most importantly, the root page number. The only time the header page was accessed was when the gridfile was created/opened or a new root was created above the previous root causing the root page number in the header to have to be changed.

The design seems simple and appealing but turned out to be rather complex and voluminous to code and really slow to debug!

Some questions an implementor needs to ponder are:

Is a scale interval inclusive or not (in my gridfile it is i.e. search stops at <= scale value).

Do splits move data that is larger than some splitting value, or smaller, to a new page. (I move smaller).

Are duplicate scale values allowed? (I did not. I believe perhaps Blanken did).

How do you deal with duplicate values on keys? I did not deal with it. If I cannot split a datapage

due to duplicates the insertion fails. Note that one could have a run of duplicates whose other key

was not duplicate. It would appear to be a difficult problem.

Do you allow records to be inserted that are duplicate in all respects? In my implementation I reject insertion of items if it finds the identical item (including the record id) already exists on a data page.

Locking? I did not get to implement this. The locking protocol designer needs to bear in mind that the effects of page-splits percolating back up from below can cause a particular directory page to have to be split within regions, necessitating modifying one or more sub-trees below the unnaturally split directory all the way down to the leaf level. Also in my implementation the header page always would have had to be locked first, of course.

How do you represent the directory pages in memory and on disk?

I represented the scales as dynamically sized arrays of floats, and the 2D directory array as a 2-D

dynamically-sized array of ints. When new slices had to be added , increasing the size of one of the scales, and the size of the directory, those arrays were increased in size in memory. This structural arrangement did not seem amenable to being stored on disk. Therefore on disk pages directory pages were stored as the dimension_0_size, the dimension_1_size, followed by the actual scale_0 , scale_1 and then the directory (written out in row-major order). If the designer

thought of a way to represent the directory page that could be directly cast to and from a disk page that would be a very good thing. A gridfile of mixed data types would add another element

of complexity to this task.

How do you represent the data pages in memory and on disk?

I used an array of structures, whose elements were the 2 keys (floats) and the pagenumber and slotnumber (ints). Therefore this could be directly cast to and from a disk buffer. A gridfile of

mixed data types would make this more of a challenge. It would have been very convenient to have been able to make the array in memory one place larger than the maximum size that could be stored on disk, due to cases where one is inserting a record on a datapage and need to consider (i.e sort the entries on one of the keys ) the data group as a whole but the group may actually be 1 larger than fits on disk.

Should we have null page numbers in our directory structure? I did not but later realized it might be a good idea. See forced data page split below.

Implementation highlights:

starting state: My gridfile started as a header page containing the root pagenumber. In the startup state the rootpage has 0 sized scales and a null directory. When the first data item was added then the first data page was allocated with its keys as the first scale entries, of course, and the 2-D directory is started.

promotion of directory scale endpoints: In my implementation when a new item is added to a "bucket" corresponding to one or both scale endpoints and one or both key values of the added item exceed a scale endpoint or endpoints, the scale endpoint or endpoints will be promoted accordingly. This potentially occurs recursively up the tree from below. For example in an infant tree:

root page


23           2            

data page 2:

23 11 rid: 8 6

Add entry 45, 87 rid 34 6 :

root page


45           2            

data page 2:

23 11 rid 8 6

45 87 rid 34 6

Note how the directory scale values were promoted .

data page splits: We receive a tuple slated to be entered into this datapage, but if it were inserted it would exceed the page capacity. It is important to remember that this data page may be referenced by more than one "bucket" in the directory above it i.e . it is a multi-bucket region covered by more scale intervals than just one i scale interval and one j scale interval . Consequently if the datapage's parent directory holds our datapage in multiple directory buckets we must first try to divide the datapage on existing scale boundaries. If just one item can be split off on an existing boundary (from the group including the item we are inserting) then we are happy and move the lower valued (on the key being split) records to a new page, and change the appropriate buckets in the parent's directory to the new page number. In this program we always check the 0 dimension first followed by the 1 dimension. No further changes ascend the tree about this except possibly maximum key promotion as discussed previously.

But if we cannot redistribute the records on existing intervals or there is only one bucket then we must split the page, creating a new scale/directory slice. Since we could not redistribute even one record on the page then the data must all be in one directory bucket, that given by the scale coordinates appropriate to the item we are inserting. In this module we alternate between checking the 0 dimension first and the 1 dimension first as it really affects the "dimensional skew" of the tree. In this program I put all the items including the new item in ascending order on the dimension in question , check if the midpt value can be the splitpoint and if not , just start from the low end looking for a split point. A split point cannot occur in the midst of duplicate values of course and it cannot turn out to be the same value as the existing interval boundary! and we can't end up with everything in one bucket (the too many duplicate keys problem). (It would be better to have a smarter split algorithm here.) Once a splitpoint is determined the lower values are moved to the new page. The parent directory is updated . If the parent's update requires adding a new directory splice, it could become too large to fit on a page and then the parent must undergo a directory split itself and so on back up the tree.

example data page splits:

a data page split that requires parent to add a new slice:

inserting tuple: 706.0000 4931.0000 which maps to page 6:

parent of page 6 before split:

page: 3 size: 28 dimensions: 2 X 1


4385.00 6

8075.00 5

data of page 6 before split:

69.00 4290.00

1312.00 1068.00

4267.00 1957.00

4385.00 9139.00

1458.00 3375.00

adding key 706 4931

data page is split on dimension 1 with a new boundary of 4290. Records with key1 <= 4290 are moved to the new page page 7.

page 7:

1458.00 3375.00

69.00 4290.00

4267.00 1957.00

1312.00 1068.00

new page 6:

706 4931

4385.00 9139.00

directory after data page 6 split. Note that a new scale slice was added on dimension 1.

page: 3 size: 40 dimensions: 2 X 2

4290.00 9139.00

4385.00 7 6

8075.00 5 5

data page split that is a redistribution and thus does not cause a new slice in the parent:

inserting 2950.0000 7044.0000 6476 4663 maps to page 6 which occupies a region of more than one interval on the j scale.

directory before data page split:

page: 3 size: 124 dimensions: 5 X 4

1832.00 4290.00 8578.00 9347.00

1312.00 9 9 12 12

4385.00 10 7 6 6

7139.00 8 8 14 11

8034.00 8 8 13 11

9885.00 8 8 5 5

page: 6

4385.00 9139.00 rid: 5669, 5235

1755.00 6462.00 rid: 3425, 8680

1546.00 6391.00 rid: 7859, 5725

2655.00 5440.00 rid: 9627, 4492

3075.00 7535.00 rid: 14, 3109

added ing record: 2950 7044

page 6 splits on dimension 1 boundary value 8578 and moves lesser records to page 15:

parent directory after data page redistribution. Note that a pagenumber in the directory was changed from 6 to 15 but no new slice was added.

page: 3 size: 124 dimensions: 5 X 4

1832.00 4290.00 8578.00 9347.00

1312.00 9 9 12 12

4385.00 10 7 15 6

7139.00 8 8 14 11

8034.00 8 8 13 11

9885.00 8 8 5 5

directory page splits: A directory page increases in size due to new slices being added to its scales and directory structure due to page splits below its level. When a new slice is added the directory is increased in size and then its size is checked against the maximum size possible. (Directory pages always keep a disksize variable of how much space the structure will take up when converted to a disk image.) If it is too large it must be split. First the program tries to do a "natural split". It tries to find a point as "in the middle" of a scale as possible where a split would be between regions all the way through the directory. Currently the program tries to find the most midline split on the 0 scale and the 1 scale and whichever is the most toward the middle is chosen with a preference for scale 0 if there is a tie. If a potential split has been found it is checked to see if both pieces that result from the directory split will both fit on disk. If not the split fails. (It would be a lot smarter to take the size issue into account while deciding where to split the directory! but I did not have time to make this correction.)

problem splits:

          10         20        30         40         50        60         

500       4          4         4          4          4         3          

800       5          5         5          5          5         3          

Imagine we ended up with the above directory structure, which needs to be split but splitting on dimension 1 between 50 and 60, the directories we end up with after the split are still too large to fit on disk (caused by the dimension skew here).

             20           40           80           

876          1            1            2            

993          5            3            2            

999          5            4            4            

The above directory structure cannot be split naturally without dissecting a region.

Therefore we also need to be able to do a forced directory split that goes through region boundaries. The program merely picks the midpt of whichever dimension is larger . (It would be better to have a smarter algorithm which figures out a split that lessens the number of regions will be split!) . The forced directory split routine is called to split this directory page at the specified scale and location chosen. After the split occurs, whether natural or forced, the parent directory needs to be updated unless this page was the root. If this page was the root then a new root directory is created whose directory has two entries: these two directory pages. The maximum scale entries of the old root directory pieces are carried back to be the root scales.

example new root creation:

oldroot needs to split. Splits on dimension 0 at location 3 with lesser values going to page 28.

page: 3 size: 228 dimensions: 7 X 6

1832.00 4290.00 5785.00 6378.00 8578.00 9347.00

1312.00 20 9 24 12 12 12

1755.00 22 7 21 21 26 6

4005.00 22 7 21 21 15 6

4385.00 10 7 21 21 15 6

7139.00 16 16 23 19 14 11

8034.00 17 17 13 13 13 11

9885.00 18 8 25 5 5 5

page 3 after split:

page: 3 size: 116 dimensions: 3 X 6

1832.00 4290.00 5785.00 6378.00 8578.00 9347.00

7139.00 16 16 23 19 14 11

8034.00 17 17 13 13 13 11

9885.00 18 8 25 5 5 5

page: 28 size: 144 dimensions: 4 X 6

1832.00 4290.00 5785.00 6378.00 8578.00 9347.00

1312.00 20 9 24 12 12 12

1755.00 22 7 21 21 26 6

4005.00 22 7 21 21 15 6

4385.00 10 7 21 21 15 6

The new root that was created:

page: 30 size: 28 dimensions: 2 X 1


4385.00 28

9885.00 3

parent update after a child splits: We are told what scale the child split on and what the boundary value was plus the pagenumber of page that split, and the new pagenumber created to split into. If that split boundary value already exists in our scale then this actually constitutes a redistribution of pages not an increase in size on our part. If the boundary value does not exist in our scale then a slice is inserted at the appropriate place in the scale sequence and in the directory structure.

Example redistribution in parent after child splits:

parent directory

page: 30 size: 104 dimensions: 4 X 4

4290.00 5397.00 5785.00 9951.00

1755.00 81 28 28 28

4385.00 62 28 28 28

8034.00 76 76 42 42

9994.00 93 93 93 3

child page 28 is a directory page that has to split: It splits on dimension 0 at boundary 1755 which is also a boundary in the parent. The smaller valued part of the directory is moved to page 99.

page: 28 size: 228 dimensions: 7 X 6

5785.00 6378.00 7472.00 7761.00 8578.00 9951.00

688.00 72 38 50 50 50 83

1312.00 24 38 50 50 50 12

1755.00 39 39 26 26 26 77

2782.00 85 21 89 89 71 88

2950.00 48 21 46 46 46 6

4005.00 48 21 97 84 45 6

4385.00 48 21 15 15 15 6

page 28 after split:

page: 28 size: 144 dimensions: 4 X 6

5785.00 6378.00 7472.00 7761.00 8578.00 9951.00

2782.00 85 21 89 89 71 88

2950.00 48 21 46 46 46 6

4005.00 48 21 97 84 45 6

4385.00 48 21 15 15 15 6

page: 99 size: 116 dimensions: 3 X 6

5785.00 6378.00 7472.00 7761.00 8578.00 9951.00

688.00 72 38 50 50 50 83

1312.00 24 38 50 50 50 12

1755.00 39 39 26 26 26 77

parent directory after split:

Note how because the child (28) who split , split on a boundary that exists in the parent (1755) that then a section of references to page 28 were changed to page 99, instead of adding a new slice to the directory.

page: 30 size: 104 dimensions: 4 X 4

4290.00 5397.00 5785.00 9951.00

1755.00 81 99 99 99

4385.00 62 28 28 28

8034.00 76 76 42 42

9994.00 93 93 93 3

Parent update requiring a new slice:

page: 30 size: 28 dimensions: 2 X 1


4385.00 28

9885.00 3

child page 3 has to split. It splits on dimension 0 location 2 with the lesser values going to page 42.

page: 3 size: 220 dimensions: 5 X 8

1372.00 1832.00 3190.00 4290.00 5785.00 6378.00 8578.00 9555.00

6980.00 34 34 33 16 23 19 35 11

7139.00 34 34 33 16 23 19 14 11

8034.00 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 11

9636.00 37 18 8 8 25 31 40 5

9994.00 37 18 8 8 25 31 32 5

After page 3 split:

page: 3 size: 112 dimensions: 2 X 8

1372.00 1832.00 3190.00 4290.00 5785.00 6378.00 8578.00 9555.00

9636.00 37 18 8 8 25 31 40 5

9994.00 37 18 8 8 25 31 32 5

page: 42 size: 148 dimensions: 3 X 8

1372.00 1832.00 3190.00 4290.00 5785.00 6378.00 8578.00 9555.00

6980.00 34 34 33 16 23 19 35 11

7139.00 34 34 33 16 23 19 14 11

8034.00 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 11

Parent directory after child split: Note that the child's split boundary (8034) did not exist in parent therefore a new slice had to be added on the dimension the child split on.

page: 30 size: 36 dimensions: 3 X 1


4385.00 28

8034.00 42

9885.00 3

forced directory page split: We are given the split scale and location from the caller. We make a list of the regions split in the split. If these are directory pages, we call ourself to split them. If they are data pages we call the forced data page split module. We are passed back the changed page numbers from below. (The split has to go all the way down to the leaf level. Anything less than the split boundary is moved to a new page and the new page number is returned. ) We modify our directory to reflect the pages changed (the directory section more toward the origin from the splitlocation ). Now the effect is that there are no split regions on the boundary we are doing the split on. Thus we now split our directory as specified moving the lesser values on the split boundary to a new page. We return the new page number to the caller. The parent's update after a forced directory page split proceeds the same as after a regular child directory split.

forced data page split: We are told by the caller what scale and location to split at. We allocate a new page and move the data items that are <= split boundary value to the new page. We return the new page number. It would appear we have to allocate a new page even if there are no items that actually end up on the new page because we do not have the concept of a null page number in our directory structure. This would be something to consider adding to the algorithms.!

Example gridfile of depth 2: (0 is the root, level 2 are data pages) :

Level 0 page:

Root page


6807         15           

9420         3            

Level 1 pages:

Directory page number 15

             3718         4130         8003          8265         9612         

2151         20           11           21            10           23           

5873         19           11           18            10           6            

6807         8            8            18            10           6            

Directory page number 3

             2181         3718         4130         8265         9866         

7406         22           12           9            24           24           

8970         7            7            7            13           13           

9420         7            7            7            5            5            

Level 2 data pages:

page: 20

1534.00 993.00 rid: 7838, 8498

1347.00 197.00 rid: 3009, 5260

57.00 1522.00 rid: 1288, 4143

2151.00 2073.00 rid: 9323, 7571

page: 11

4390.00 3804.00 rid: 7863, 3609

page: 21

1462.00 8003.00 rid: 3023, 3961

493.00 5954.00 rid: 8770, 3121

page: 10

3200.00 8265.00 rid: 9931, 5591

318.00 8160.00 rid: 6912, 7631

6711.00 8243.00 rid: 667, 8706

page: 23

1223.00 8590.00 rid: 5992, 8814

782.00 9609.00 rid: 8396, 4009

19.00 9537.00 rid: 3934, 8836

page: 19

5873.00 1390.00 rid: 42, 6586

4342.00 3160.00 rid: 5632, 3634

5431.00 1409.00 rid: 6879, 4016

page: 18

5647.00 7278.00 rid: 7158, 6734

3452.00 5152.00 rid: 461, 9299

4904.00 6953.00 rid: 3333, 1201

5186.00 5424.00 rid: 1880, 6163

page: 6

3133.00 8300.00 rid: 1147, 739

4465.00 9612.00 rid: 1598, 973

5940.00 8350.00 rid: 4825, 9201

6340.00 8708.00 rid: 1729, 9450

4170.00 9124.00 rid: 9755, 7082

page: 8

5886.00 2913.00 rid: 6151, 9173

6807.00 2465.00 rid: 6993, 5063

6454.00 402.00 rid: 7098, 7145

page: 22

7133.00 1759.00 rid: 5745, 2335

7406.00 780.00 rid: 5852, 8796

7231.00 171.00 rid: 7034, 945

7372.00 2181.00 rid: 8599, 1086

page: 12

7326.00 3718.00 rid: 1524, 1615

7067.00 3084.00 rid: 743, 3320

page: 9

7027.00 4130.00 rid: 7860, 8549

7183.00 3921.00 rid: 6381, 6171

page: 24

6969.00 6646.00 rid: 1582, 7070

6870.00 7977.00 rid: 1141, 736

page: 7

8670.00 683.00 rid: 5962, 6110

8535.00 3962.00 rid: 5085, 3316

8657.00 2388.00 rid: 6471, 3897

8659.00 3434.00 rid: 7720, 6632

page: 13

8638.00 6735.00 rid: 9458, 5600

8414.00 5929.00 rid: 4322, 1571

8970.00 7076.00 rid: 7613, 86

8137.00 6825.00 rid: 1112, 9001

8246.00 7784.00 rid: 6202, 6000

page: 5

9420.00 5096.00 rid: 2673, 7808

9032.00 4815.00 rid: 262, 5022

8985.00 9866.00 rid: 8306, 5803


I spent not a little time researching the topic of implementing the gridfile. I considered a number of methods to implement it. The multi-level directory method seemed the easiest combined with a promised good performance. Unfortunately I could find no references that went into exhaustive detail about this way to implement the gridfile so I had to experiment and fill in the gaps myself which turned out to be extremely time consuming but rather fun to try to outwit the wily gridfile. Knowing what I know NOW about implementing it, I could do it in a fraction of the time it actually took me with all the wrong turns I took.

Originally I wrote my own new/get/put page routines because there were none available at the time. These are in the diskfile.c file but are no longer used as later I converted to use the buffermanager code. I also had to write a number of routines to expand one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays. These are in the gridarray.c For testing, I wrote a routine to read a file line by line where each line had 4 numbers representing the keys and rid values. This is readfile.c Also I wrote a routine to generate such a file of random key values which is in randdata.c

I learned to use purify and found it to be a very useful tool. It will point problems you did not even notice yet and can often do a better job in elucidating the cause of core dumps than gdb, which often fails to be able to report the section of code responsible.

There was no code that I found that I could use so I wrote everything myself. It would have been better to have a library of pre-existing code to use, assuming it were all known to be solid. In fact, it would have been better to write a mock up first in some high level language such as foxpro, work out all the details of the data structure without any concerns for having to write custom code to store the pages (they could just be stored in a database as records) and then when it was 100% checked out, write the thing in C++ for performance. I think I would have ended up with a much better product in a lot less time if I had done it that way. However, this way I got a lot more practice in C++, which I sorely needed, so it was a good experience for me.

Thus I wrote then about 3000 lines of code. Several mis-intuitions I had about the gridfile insertion algorithm caused me a lot of major re-writing. Also I spent at least 3 days trying to find a glitch with pages getting corrupted in the buffer pool. I wasted a lot of time at first trying to accomodate mixed data types and trying to be general about the number of dimensions. I'm not at all sure that using a 2-D array for the directory structure was a good idea. It lead to a lot of (if dimesion 0 do this, if dimension 1 do this) code redundancy.

I regret not having been able to spruce up the code as I would have liked to have done. (There are many many places where I have very poor performance code and/or poor form code). Also I would have liked to have been able to create some statistics on I/Os necessary for insertions, for range-scan performance, and last and definitely least, been able to do the deletion algorithm.


I found it to be a good test of the gridfile to generate files of random keys, insert those keys and then do an exact match scan to find them. Currently the driver program is set up to take a random seed and generate 400 random tuples, insert them, then do an exact match scan to find them. If one is not found that fact is reported as an error. I have not found a random number for which the gridfile fails this test. I was not able to write a program to test all random seed numbers in a range however. I tested about 20 individual random seed numbers. I also found it to be a good idea to have "sanity checks" in the code to test the integrity of the structure, such as tests to see if the scales were in increasing order as they should be. It turned out it was much easier than one would think to end up inserting an interval value in the wrong place in a scale. In fact I found a case where I could add 400 tuples and find them all but the structure was actually incorrect. The tuples were all found by luck!

I also ran the code under purify and corrected all the things purify objected to that I could understand what it was complaining about. There remain some cases of small memory leaks that I did not have time to be able to figure out what it was referring to as the modules referred to were not high level modules in my code, but library functions invoked in. (Of course not everything purify complains about is an error such as accessing the arguments to main. )


I thought the minirel design was really good as far as the interface to it I had to deal with. I was not in a position to hear a lot of detail about the rest of the design so I can't really comment on it in any depth. The only changes I would make in the process would be to try to decide on key issues earlier in the semester and not change things at such a late date such as the change of the error protocol that was made so late, or the change from global objects to pointers to global objects.