1 select emp.dno from emp, dept where emp.dno = dept.dno; 9 9 1 - Enter SQL 2 - Open Database 3 - Toggle Active Join Methods 4 - List JoinMethods 9 - Exit.: Query.: no errors.: start - relation access method list.: dept 7 Relation: dept Access Method: Unclustered Hash on dno Number of Relation Pages = NP = 50 Number of Pages to Get to Leaf = IC = 1 Cardinality = C = 2000 Number of Distinct Keys = DK = 2000[ Attributes: > dept.dno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > dept.dname (Min = A, Max = Z )] .: 8 Relation: dept Access Method: FileScan Number of Relation Pages = NP = 50 Cardinality = C = 2000[ Attributes: > dept.dno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > dept.dname (Min = A, Max = Z )] .: start - relation access method list.: emp 1 Relation: emp Access Method: Unclustered B_Index on empid Number of Relation Pages = NP = 50 Number of Index Leaf Pages = ILP = 23 Number of Pages to Get to Leaf = IC = 1 Cardinality = C = 2000 Number of Distinct Keys = DK = 2000[ Attributes: > emp.empid (Ascending) (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.ename (Min = A, Max = Z ) > emp.dno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.jno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.sal (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 )] .: 2 Relation: emp Access Method: Unclustered Hash on ename Number of Relation Pages = NP = 50 Number of Pages to Get to Leaf = IC = 1 Cardinality = C = 2000 Number of Distinct Keys = DK = 2000[ Attributes: > emp.empid (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.ename (Min = A, Max = Z ) > emp.dno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.jno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.sal (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 )] .: 3 Relation: emp Access Method: Unclustered Hash on dno Number of Relation Pages = NP = 50 Number of Pages to Get to Leaf = IC = 1 Cardinality = C = 2000 Number of Distinct Keys = DK = 2000[ Attributes: > emp.empid (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.ename (Min = A, Max = Z ) > emp.dno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.jno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.sal (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 )] .: 4 Relation: emp Access Method: Unclustered B_Index on jno Number of Relation Pages = NP = 50 Number of Index Leaf Pages = ILP = 23 Number of Pages to Get to Leaf = IC = 1 Cardinality = C = 2000 Number of Distinct Keys = DK = 2000[ Attributes: > emp.empid (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.ename (Min = A, Max = Z ) > emp.dno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.jno (Ascending) (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.sal (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 )] .: 5 Relation: emp Access Method: Unclustered B_Index on sal Number of Relation Pages = NP = 50 Number of Index Leaf Pages = ILP = 23 Number of Pages to Get to Leaf = IC = 1 Cardinality = C = 2000 Number of Distinct Keys = DK = 2000[ Attributes: > emp.empid (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.ename (Min = A, Max = Z ) > emp.dno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.jno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.sal (Ascending) (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 )] .: 6 Relation: emp Access Method: FileScan Number of Relation Pages = NP = 50 Cardinality = C = 2000[ Attributes: > emp.empid (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.ename (Min = A, Max = Z ) > emp.dno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.jno (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 ) > emp.sal (Min = 0, Max = 999999999 )] .: end - access methods.: start - level 1 start - row 1 dept pruning: on 13 Total Cost = Cost + SortCost = 50 Result Cardinality = RC = PC * S = 2000 [ From Catalog/Child Node: Pre-Select Cardinality = PC = 2000 Primary Predicate Selectivity = PS = 1.0 Calculated in this node: Predicate Selectivity = S = S0 = 1 Post-Primary Cardinality = PPC = PC * PS = 2000 Result Cardinality = RC = PC * S = 2000 Result Tuple Size = TS = 4 Page Size = PG = 1024 Result Number of Pages = RP = RC * (TS / PG) = 8 Cost = NP = 50 Cost to Sort = RP * log(RP) = 0 Memory Required = MR = 2 Realized: False ] Predicate: > all (S0 = 1.0) Project on: > dept.dno Children: 8 .: start - row 2 emp pruning: on 32 Total Cost = Cost + SortCost = 50 Result Cardinality = RC = PC * S = 2000 [ From Catalog/Child Node: Pre-Select Cardinality = PC = 2000 Primary Predicate Selectivity = PS = 1.0 Calculated in this node: Predicate Selectivity = S = S0 = 1 Post-Primary Cardinality = PPC = PC * PS = 2000 Result Cardinality = RC = PC * S = 2000 Result Tuple Size = TS = 4 Page Size = PG = 1024 Result Number of Pages = RP = RC * (TS / PG) = 8 Cost = NP = 50 Cost to Sort = RP * log(RP) = 0 Memory Required = MR = 2 Realized: False ] Predicate: > all (S0 = 1.0) Project on: > emp.dno Children: 6 .: start - level 2 start - row 3 dept,emp pruning: on 44 * Best Plan * Sort Merge Total Cost = Cost + SortCost = 401.76 Result Cardinality = RC = PC * S = 2000 [ From Catalog/Child Node: Pre-Primary Cardinality = PC = 4000000 Primary Predicate Selectivity = PS = 0.0005 Calculated in this node: Predicate Selectivity = S = S0 = 0.0005 Post-Primary Cardinality = PPC = PC * PS = 2000 Result Cardinality = RC = PC * S = 2000 Result Tuple Size = TS = 4 Page Size = PG = 1024 Result Number of Pages = RP = RC * (TS / PG) = 8 Cost = L.RP * log(L.RP) + R.NP * log(R.NP) + L.TotalCost + R.NP = 401.76 Cost to Sort = RP * log(RP) = 0 Memory Required = MR = 45 Realized: False ] Predicate: > (dept.dno = emp.dno) (primary) (S0 = 0.0005 ) Project on: > emp.dno Children: 13 6 .: end - table.: 44 end - root list.: 1 - Execute 2 - Pruning 3 - Toggle Active Join Methods 4 - List JoinMethods 5 - Toggle Active Access Methods 8 - Recompute Plans 9 - Close Menu.: 1 - Enter SQL 2 - Open Database 3 - Toggle Active Join Methods 4 - List JoinMethods 9 - Exit.: