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Up: MINIREL : Recovery Manager
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- FZT+92
M.J. Franklin, M.J. Zwilling, C.K. Tan, M.J. Carey, and D.J. Dewitt.
Crash recovery in client-server EXODUS.
ACM SIGMOD International Conference on the Management of
Data, June 1992.
- LN95
Cjin Lee and Ajitkumar Natarajan.
MINIREL: Log manager - project report.
May 1995.
- MHL+90
Mohan.C, Haderle.D, Lindsay.B, Pirahesh.H, and Schwarz.P.
ARIES:a transaction method supporting fine granularity locking and
partial rollbacks using write-ahead logging.
ACM TODS, November 1990.
ranjani ramamurthy
Sat May 13 16:56:49 CDT 1995