External Interface:

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External Interface:

  This section presents the public interface provided by the Recovery Manager. Class RecoveryMgr is the base class. In addition to providing constructors and destructors, it provides methods to perform the recovery actions.

Class RecoveryMgr{

public :
  Status Rollback();   /* Aborts the current transaction */
  Status Restart();    /* Restarts the database */
  Status Checkpoint(); /* Takes a checkpoint */
  Status RecoverEarliestLSN(lsn_t lsn);
         Returns the earliest LSN needed by the Recovery Mgr
         This is used by the log manager for log compaction
  Status WriteUpdateLog(int size,int pgid,int offset,
             void *old_data,void *new_data,Page* pg);
         /* Writes Update log rec */
  Status WriteCommitLog(lsn_t& lsn); // Writes commit log rec
  Status WriteAbortLog(lsn_t& lsn);  // Writes abort log rec 
  Status GetRecoveryLSN(int pgid, lsn_t lsn);
private :
  - - - -
  - - - -
The Rollback() method performs transaction rollback on an aborted transaction. The transaction number is implicit as every process has its own 'current' transaction variable. Restart(), Rollback() and Checkpoint() perform the functions as described in Section 1. These functions are invoked by the Log Manager. WriteUpdateLog(), WriteCommitLog() and WriteAbortLog() create appropriate update, commit and abort log records which are written to the log file, by the Log Manager. These are used by all sub-systems that access and modify pages in the buffer pool : for example, the Space Manager and all access methods.

ranjani ramamurthy
Sat May 13 16:56:49 CDT 1995