Minibase Homework
Each of these assignments has a sample handout for the students.
The programming assignments also have a
skeleton for the students
to start with, as well as an answer key for comparison.
- BufMgr:
The buffer manager assignment, as postscript.
- HFPage:
The heapfile page assignment, as postscript.
- HeapFile:
The heapfile assignment, as postscript.
- BTree:
The B+ tree assignment, as postscript.
- SQL:
The SQL assignment, as postscript.
- ExtSort:
The external sorting assignment, as postscript.
- SM_Join:
The sort-merge join assignment, as postscript.
- Optimize:
The optimizer assignment, as postscript.
- INL_Join:
The indexed nested-loops join assignment.
- BM_View:
The buffer manager viewer assignment,
as postscript.
- BT_View:
The B+ tree viewer assignment,
as postscript.
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January 6, 1997