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UW Operating Systems
  OS Reading Group


A few people from the department get together weekly to discuss systems-related papers. Paper topics include operating systems, networks, storage systems, virtual machines, security, architecture, etc. There is a standing invitation for anyone and everyone to show up and participate.

Where, When

Mondays at 2:30 pm in CS 3310 (unless otherwise announced on the mailing list)

Mailing list

Announcements about the papers we are reading are made to the reading group mailing list os-reading at cs. To subscribe, visit the mailing list web page and fill out the subscription form. Alternatively, you can send mail to os-reading-subscribe at cs. You should get a confirmation email back. Follow its instructions.

This Week

Evaluating the Impact of Simultaneous Multithreading on Network Servers Using Real Hardware
Yaoping Ruan et al. SIGMETRICS 2005 [PDF]

Previous papers

Available here

Suggesting papers

We are always in need of good papers to read. Bring your suggestions to the meeting or send mail to the list. Chances are high that we will read them.

More info

For more information, to ask questions, or to make comments, contact Todd Jones.
  Maintained by Guoliang Jin and the OS faculty.