The ADvanced Systems Laboratory (ADSL)
\subsubsection{Improved Containerization}
Our last performance-oriented sub-area of research focuses on new container
technologies arising in the cloud, and the resulting new models of execution
that are possible.
- Slacker: Fast Distribution with Lazy Docker Containers (FAST '16). Slacker shows how to
integrate snapshot-based file storage into a Docker code repository,
thus streamlining application launch in containerized environments
by 20x. Slacker is now part of the Tintri product line.
- Serverless Computation with OpenLambda (HotCloud '16). We introduce OpenLambda, one of the first
open-source lambda execution environments available, and present its key
facets. OpenLambda is being investigated for adoption
by numerous companies.
- SOCK: Rapid Task Provisioning with Serverless-Optimized
Containers (USENIX '18). We evolve
OpenLambda with a new serverless-optimized container infrastructure,
showing that with carefully constructed support, application launch
can be reduced from seconds down to milliseconds.