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If you need help with installation of WiSense on your device, we are ready to install it for you. You just need to purchase the device and ship it to us. Please see Need Help section for more details.


WiSense is an Android based platform being developed by the WiNGS Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for wireless debugging and diagnosis in both enterprise and home WLANs. The platform allows users to analyze real-time RF activity across different WiFi channels, monitor the signal quality of neighboring WLANs and detect the presence of neighboring non-WiFi activity. The ease of usage and mobility provided by handheld smartphone and tablet platforms can allow network administrators as well as users to identify location specific wireless performance issues in their WLANs. This tool is also being developed as part of our group's efforts to collect data about wireless performance at different locations and share it with the community.

So, in brief, WiSense lets you:

  • Analyze real-time heatmap of RF activity across different WiFi channels.
  • Detect neighboring non-WiFi activity.
  • Monitor neighboring WiFi activity and airtime utilization across different WiFi channels.
  • Scan neighboring SSIDs.
  • Perform active thoughput and latency measurements.

Please watch the small introduction video to get a feel of WiSense. Happy WiSens'ing' :D !!!

To know more about the application, see our Features section below.