From Vertical Research Group

Isa-power-struggles: ISA Power Struggles

This page provides details of the ISA Power Struggles work performed by the Vertical Group at UW-Madison.

Researchers involved:


  1. Power Struggles: Revisiting the RISC vs. CISC Debate on Contemporary ARM and x86 Architectures, HPCA 2013, pdf
  2. A Detailed Analysis of Contemporary ARM and x86 Architectures, UW-Madison Technical Report, 2013. pdf


  1. Power Struggles: Revisiting the RISC vs. CISC Debate on Contemporary ARM and x86 Architectures, HPCA 2013, Slides

Detailed Data Available for Download:

  1. Raw data in Excel format, distributed as an attachment to the technical report in item two above. If you are having PDF viewer difficulties in getting the XLSX file, please download from this link xls


  1. Interactive power, energy, and performance trade-off plots, below.
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Page last modified on October 30, 2014, at 05:31 PM