======= DySER Release v1.0 ====== DySER project includes the benchmarks, software simulation tools, hardware verification and simulation framework, and FPGA prototype. The framework is built to help evaluate an in-core accelerator, DySER. DySER project is based on OpenSPARCT1 open source microprocessor. The DySER project in developed in Vertical group, UW-Madison Computer Science Department. Here are the contributors: * Chen-Han Ho * Chris Frericks * Jesse Benson * Ryan Cofell * Tony Nowatzki * Venkatraman Govindaraju * Zachary Marzec Our advisor is professor [[http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~karu/wiki/|Karu Sankaralingam]] DySER project wiki pages: * [[start#Getting Started|Getting Started]]: Evaluation with Gem5, VCS, and FPGA. * [[start#Manual|Manual]]: Manual for the tools in the toolchain. * [[start#Release issues|Release issues]]: Known issues in the release. * [[start#FAQ|FAQ]]: Frequently asked questions and answers. ====== Getting Started ====== This section will guide you to run your first gem5 simulation, VCS simulation and FPGA simulation. ===== Preparation ===== Things you need for a one-time setup: * A Linux machine, we tested the framework on supported CSL machine which runs 64 bit RedHat 6 Linux. * At least 10GB of free hard disk space * Synopsys tools, on CSL machine this is installed in /s/, you can source /s/synopsys-2012_06_27/bin/synopsys_env.sh to use the tools. * SW toolchain: * UW-Madison CSL RHEL 6 Machine installation instructions: * Add gperf and qmake in the path. export PATH=/unsup/gperf/amd64_rhel6/bin:/unsup/qt-4.6.3/bin:$PATH * The SW toolchain will not work in amd64_rhel5 environment in CS environment as it does not have updated tools (libtools, autoconf etc.,) which we rely on to build the cross compiler. * Fedora 17 installation instructions: * you need the following packages: (and any packages they depend on) * wget gcc gcc-c++ libtool gperf python python-devel zlib-devel scons bison flex qt4-devel texinfo patch ncurses-devel libmpc-devel * In default environment of fedora 17, qmake may not be in the default path. You may need to use qmake-qt4 instead of qmake to build dysched successfully. This can be done by modifying build-tools.sh. * HW toolchain: * Some tools need 32 bit libraries (e.g. rxil...). You can either install them by yum install glibc.i686 libgcc.i686. You can also try to make 64-bit tools by yourself. * Xilinx EDK 10.1 * UW-Madison environment setup on vega:export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/10.1/EDK/gnu/microblaze/lin64/bin/ source /opt/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/settings64.sh source /opt/Xilinx/10.1/EDK/settings64.sh export XIL_IMPACT_USE_LIBUSB=1 * Xilinx XUPV5-LX110T Evaluation Platform * JTAG interface to download and configure FPGA * Null modem cable and modem program, we use "minicom". * Internet ===== Build the simulation framework ===== Download {{:dyser-r1.0.tar.bz2|dyser-r1.0 tarball}}. Internal tutorial for vertical group people is [[internal:dyser-internal-tutorial|Here]]. Untar the file: tar xjf dyser-r1.0.tar.bz2 **dyser-r1.0** directory will be created. The following instructions describe how to build the toolchain. * Building SW toolchain: * Change directory to the dyser software src directory: cd dyser-r1.0/sw/src * Edit **build-tools.sh** line 4 to change the Install directory, The variable **INSTALL_DIR** basically should point to the top directory where you want the toolchain to be installed. Default is ../install. * Execute the build-tools.sh bash build-tools.sh * toolchain (compiler, assembler etc.,) will be installed in $(INSTALL_DIR)/toolchain * Simulator (gem5) will be in $(INSTALL_DIR)/gem5 * Tools (dysched, gen_dyser_config etc.,) will be in $(INSTALL_DIR)/tools * Building HW toolchain: * You will find three directories in dyser-r1.0/hw: dyser-1.0, hardDySER, opensparc. The detailed description of the toolchain is in the [[start#HW toolchain|Manual section]]. To set up the toolchain, navigate to: cd dyser-r1.0/hw/opensparc and look for OpenSPARCT1.bash * dyser-r1.0/hw/opensparc/OpenSPARCT1.bash: this is the file you need to modify and source for your environment * Modify line 6(HW) and 7(SW) to point to your install directory # ***Modification required for new install*** # Top of opensparc portion export HW_ROOT="" export SW_ROOT="" The HW_ROOT should be dyser-r1.0/hw, and the SW_ROOT is the INSTALL_DIR you set in previous step. * Modify line 23 for the scratch space of VCS object files. Make sure you can access the scratch space you assigned. # ***Modification required for new install*** #Regression run-time scratchspace export DRMJOBSCRATCHSPACE=/scratch/vcsjobscratch * There might be other path variables that have to be changed. For example, the PERL_PATH variable. Make sure all path variables points to the correct place. * Run: source OpenSPARCT1.bash Now we are ready to run benchmarks! ===== Run a benchmark ===== The DySER evaluation framework can evaluate the design on 3 different platforms: * [[start#Run gem5 simulation|gem5]] * [[start#Run VCS simulation|Synopsys VCS]] * [[start#Run a benchmark on FPGA|Xilinx FPGA]] We will begin the tutorial with a test benchmark, cumsum. ==== Run gem5 simulation ==== Navigate to cd $DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDYSER/cumsum/splyser/ Run: make run_perf This will compile the cumsum splyser benchmark, and run it in gem5. The output of gem5 is in the m5out/ directory: * m5out/gem5.log: gem5's simulation log * m5out/stats.txt: the report, system.switch_cpus.numCycles is the number of cycles that we are interested. * m5out/trace.log: this trace file tells you what happened in DySER. Here is the simulation result we have: system.switch_cpus.numCycles 713288 ==== Run VCS simulation ==== Navigate to cd $DV_ROOT/regr_runs/hardDYSER/cumsum.splyser.1w/ Run: ./run.sh This will build the VCS model of opensparc with cumsum hardDySER verilog, compile and link the cumsum benchmark, and run the VCS simulation. After simulation, many files will be created in the current directory. Here are some important files: * sims.log : the sims simulation log file, sims is a tool provided in Sun OpenSPARC T1 project. * sim.log : the simulation trace, which have to be processed for human to read. * ./build : the directory that contains the objects and assembly files. To interpret the sim.log, run: procvlog sim.log > vlog.log procvlog is a tool provided in OpenSPARC T1. It interprets sim.log and outputs a more readable log file. Next, in vlog.log, grep two marker instructions we used to define the code region of interest. In gem5 they defines the start and stop of detail timing simulation, and in VCS simulation they are two dummy instructions. grep "sethi %hi(0xff000000), %g0" vlog.log ;grep "sethi %hi(0xff0000), %g0" vlog.log You'll see the output like this 1377340079: C0T0 v0000200005b0 sethi %hi(0xff000000), %g0 2102039247: C0T0 v0000200006bc sethi %hi(0xff0000), %g0 The first column is the VCS simulation time. The only thing left to extract a cycle count is to subtract two values and divide by 832(clock period in VCS time). Here we can do a little bash scripting to extract final cycle count. Run: x=`grep "sethi %hi(0xff000000), %g0" vlog.log | awk '{print $1} '`; \ y=`grep "sethi %hi(0xff0000), %g0" vlog.log | awk '{print $1} '`; \ x=${x/:/}; y=${y/:/}; expr $(((y - x)/832)) Here is the result we have: 871032 Congratulations! You have completed VCS simulation! ==== Run a benchmark on FPGA ==== (Make sure you have read the [[start#Preparation|preparation]].) The DySER FPGA evaluation framework is based on OpenSPARC, and the detail of OpenSPARC FPGA simulation can be found in $DV_ROOT/doc/OpenSPARCT1_DVGuide.pdf. Here we will give a simple example showing how to run a program on the FPGA. First, navigate to cd $DV_ROOT/design/sys/edk/ We provide a cumsum.bit which contains a modified sparc core and a simple hardDySER core in $DV_ROOT/design/sys/edk/tutorial. To use this bitstream, first create an implementation directory: mkdir implementation Copy the bitstream and the executable to default places: cp ./tutorial/cumsum.bit implementation/download.bit cp ./tutorial/executable.elf ccx-firmware/executable.elf Download bitstream: impact -batch etc/download.cmd Next, we have to download firmware, os, prom using XMD: xmd -xmp system.xmp -opt etc/xmd_microblaze_0.opt In XMD: XMD% dow ccx-firmware/executable.elf XMD% dow -data os/Ubuntu/7.10-Gutsy/proto/ramdisk.ubuntu-7.10-gutsy.gz 0x8af00000 XMD% dow -data os/proms/1c1t_obp_prom.bin 0x8ff00000 Now, before we run the executable on MicroBlaze, we need to connect to the FPGA through the serial port to interact with OpenSPARC. Here we use minicom as our modem program. To use it, you need root access. Open a new terminal and type: sudo minicom The parameters of minicom connection should be set to 9600 8N1. In minicom, the parameter can be set by ctrl A-Z -> P -> c Now siwthc back to XMD, we can run the microblaze in XMD by: XMD% run Switch back to minicom, you should be able to see microblaze is running. From now on the minicom will be your terminal to the FPGA. After decompressing the images, we will see an ok prompt. Now, (in minicom) type: boot After boot up (this may take a while), login with username root and password root. We use dhclient to use dhcp to get internet to work: root@t1-fpga-00:~# dhclient eth0 Next, we can create a binary for OpenSPARC to run. Navigate to: cd $DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDYSER/cumsum/splyser/ Edit Makefile, change the **-DFF** flag in CFLAGS to **-DFPGA** CFLAGS += -O3 $(FLAGS) -DONEWIDE -DFPGA And run: Make **cumsum.splyser** will be created. To send executables to FPGA, we can use ftp. After putting **cumsum.splyser** to your ftp server, run root@t1-fpga-00:~# ftp After login, download cumsum.splyser: ftp> get cumsum.splyser ftp> exit (UW-Madison instructions: you can ftp to with your account on vega and download the file) Change the permission of the executable: chmod u+x cumsum.splyser Run the benchmark: ./cumsum.splyser You should see something like: root@t1-fpga-00:~# ./cumsum.splyser tick elapsed = 21819516195438592 splyser check: 262140.000000 pass() Congratulations! You have run a FPGA benchmark on DySER! Next, let's try to build a benchmark from scratch! ===== Build your own benchmark ===== The framework is used to evaluate the DySER architecture. To write a DySER program/benchmark, we use the following macros in C: * DySEND(reg,dy_port) -- send register to dyser (used with variables like int, float, etc) * DyLOAD(mem,dy_port) -- send memory to dyser (used with memory locations like int *, float *, etc) * DyRECV(dy_port,reg) -- receive from dyser to register * DySTORE(dy_port,mem) -- receive from memory to dyser Details of the macros can be found in **$DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/include/dyser-dlp-sparc.h**. Reading through the codes in $DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDySER/ can help you understand DySER programming. Besides the c code, a DySER config should be created with the DySER program using the [[start#dysched|dysched]] GUI. With DySER program and DySER config file, we can evaluate the DySER architecture in the framework. Here, we'll pretend that we have completed DySER programming and use the cumsum c code and the config file for the tutorial. First, navigate to: cd $DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDYSER Create a test directory: mkdir -p ./test/splyser The splyser means this is a "dyserized" program. For each benchmark in the release, there is scalar and splyser version. Next, copy the c file and config file from cumsum/splyser cp ./cumsum/splyser/cumsum.c ./test/splyser/test.c cp ./cumsum/splyser/16input-cumsum-8W.hardDySER ./test/splyser/test.config Now we have the c code and dyser config file. Navigate to the directory you created: cd $DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDYSER/test/splyser Before we compile the code, we need to process the config file for DySER: python $HW_ROOT/hardDySER/tools/genCore.py -f test.config -o test.v This setp creates a port mapping and a hardDySER verilog. Now, in the directory you should see: test.c test.config test.config.hardDySER.conf test.v The 16input-cumsum-8W.hardDySER.hardDySER.conf is the file that has the original config and hardDySER port mapping, and the test.v is the hardDySER verilog module. The port mapping maps the logical I/O ports in GUI to DySER physical I/O ports. (Here, in fact, the original config file has the port mapping. However, when you create your own config from GUI, the generated file will not contain port mapping information) The hardDySER verilog is a simplified DySER module that removes the unnecessary switches and functional units. Next, we want to create a Makefile to compile and run the program. We will use $DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDYSER/config.mk for benchmark-invariant rules and variables. To use config.mk, we have to define several variables in the Makefile: ROOTDIR ?= ../../ BUILDDIR ?= . BUILDPATH ?= obj The above variables set up the location CFLAGS += -O3 $(FLAGS) -DONEWIDE -DFF The above is the CFLAGS you want to add, the **-DFF** is an flag for gem5 detail timing simulation. More detail can be found in the [[start#SW toolchain|SW manual]]. TARGET = $(BUILDDIR)/test.splyser SRC = test.c The above variables sets up the build target and source code DYSER_HEADER = dyserconfig.h DYSER_SCHED = test.config The above tells the framework to generate a dyser header file from the dyser config. This header file contains the configuration and will be compiled into the binary. Last, include the config.mk: include $(ROOTDIR)/config.mk Put all of the above in the Makefile, and run make run_perf Congratulations! You completed the gem5 simulation of a new program! ==== Build VCS simulation ==== First, set up a test directory. We put all benchmarks in $DV_ROOT/regr_runs, so navigate to: cd $DV_ROOT/regr_runs mkdir test To run VCS simulation, first we have to create a diagnose file for the toolchain to compile. Navigate to: cd $DV_ROOT/regr_runs/test Create **test.splyser.s**: #define USE_STACK /* Turns on stack in template_mt.s */ #define STACKSIZE 8192 /* Sets stack size */ #include "c/template_mt.s" /* Provides all vcs run environment */ MIDAS_CC FILE=hardDYSER/cumsum/splyser/cumsum.c ARGS=-O3 \ -DNOSYS -DREGR_CHECK -DONEWIDE -S \ -I$DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/include \ -I$DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/static-inputs \ -I$DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDYSER/cumsum/splyser The first 3 lines sets up the vcs simulation environment, and the MIDAS_CC is like compile rules in Makefile. More details can be found in OpenSPARC T1 Design and Verification guide, MIDAS appendix. The OpenSPARC T1 guide is in $DV_ROOT/doc Next, we need to create a file list that contains all of the splyser verilog files. In the same directory, create **test.flist**: +incdir+$DYS_ROOT/rtl $DV_ROOT/design/sys/iop/SPARC_Changes/dyser/dyser_block.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/dyser_config.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/input_bridge.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/comp_logic.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/output_bridge.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/fu_stage.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/ff_stage.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/sw_stage.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/functional_unit.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/or1200_gmultp2_32x32.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/switch_output.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/switch_1to2.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/broadcast_config.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/broaddecode.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/broadload.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/fifo16.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/dyser.v $DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDYSER/test/splyser/test.v $DYS_ROOT/rtl/broadrom.v $DYS_ROOT/fpu/except.v $DYS_ROOT/fpu/fcmp.v $DYS_ROOT/fpu/single_fpu.v $DYS_ROOT/fpu/post_norm.v $DYS_ROOT/fpu/pre_norm.v $DYS_ROOT/fpu/pre_norm_fmul.v $DYS_ROOT/fpu/primitives.v These are the DySER verilog files that will be used in simulation. Notice that $DV_ROOT/verif/diag/c/hardDYSER/test/splyser/test.v is what we just created. Last is to create the script to run the simulation, the example script is in $DV_ROOT/regr_runs/hardDYSER/vcs.config.sh. Create run.sh: cp $DV_ROOT/regr_runs/hardDYSER/vcs.config.sh ./run.sh Modify line 17, the variable **"app_args",** to generate result in current directory: app_args="-regress_id=${app}.${version} -alias=${app}.${version} -result_dir=$REGR_DIR/test There are many other arguments, and you can find detailed description of the SIMS tool in **$DV_ROOT/doc/OpenSPARCT1_DVGuide.pdf**. Modify line 19, the app_args to point to the file list we just created: -flist=$REGR_DIR/test/test.flist Modify line 34, the run_args to set up the diagnose program path: run_args="-vcs_run -asm_diag_path=$REGR_DIR/test Last, add the following lines at the top of run.sh to set up app and version variables: app="test" version="splyser" This script runs the sims tool provided in OpenSPARC T1 project. Again, the manual of sims tool can be found OpenSPARC T1 design and verification guide. (or run sims -h) Run your test benchmark: ./run.sh ==== Creating an DySER FPGA ==== To create a new DySER FPGA, first is to synthesize a sparc core with DySER. Navigate to: cd $DV_ROOT/design/sys/iop/sparc/xst Modify sparc.flist so that it contains all the splyser verilog files. You can check the files we listed in the previous section and modify the sparc.flist. However, to make this easier we provide a cumsum.flist for you: cp cumsum.flist sparc.flist To synthesis this entire FPGA netlist with this modified sparc core, run rxil -device=XC5VLX110T sparc The synthesized netlist will appear as $DV_ROOT/design/sys/iop/sparc/xst/XC5VLX110T/sparc.ngc To use this file, navigate to: cd $DV_ROOT/design/sys/edk Copy the netlist to pcores/iop_fpga_v1_00_a/netlist/: cp $DV_ROOT/design/sys/iop/sparc/xst/XC5VLX110T/sparc.ngc ./pcores/iop_fpga_v1_00_a/netlist/sparc.ngc Now, we can use xps to load the edk project and synthesis the FPGA netlist(which includes sparc netlist and other modules). Run: xps -nw In Xlinix xps shell, run XPS% xload xmp system.xmp Create system.make by cleanup hardware files: XPS% run hwclean Now you can exit xps by: XPS% exit Loading the project will generate **system.make**, which will be used to generate the program, netlist, bitstream file and downloading bit file onto FPGA. Now, let's compile the microblaze program: make -f system.make program Cleanup the hardware files: make -f system.make hwclean Build netlist and bitstream file: make -f system.make netlist make -f system.make bits Download the bitstream: make -f system.make download Now you should have a FPGA which is configured as an OpenSPARC with cumsum hardDySER. After following the instruction in [[start#Run a benchmark on FPGA|Run a benchmark on FPGA]](continue at XMD part), you should be able to boot Unbuntu and run the cumsum benchmark. Now you have completed the tutorial! Congratulations! ====== Manual ====== ===== SW toolchain ===== ==== dysched ==== This is a front-end GUI that generates a configuration file that can be used later to create a hardDySER. To open the dysched GUI, run: dysched The name of file is optional. Once it opens, you will be presented with a 4 x 4 DySER (4 Functional Units's (FU) high, 4 FU's wide). To change the size, change the numbers in the top left hand corner and click the plus logo to create a new DySER. The evaluation framework uses 4x4 or 5x5 DySER. To create inputs to DySER, right click on the switches (diamonds) and choose "Add Top/Bottom Input" depending on where you want the input to be. Remember that switches can support two inputs. To route an input, double click on the input; your arrow should now turn the color of the input. Then, click on the desired location (either FU or switch). To stop routing, click on the whitespace outside of DySER (or right click). NOTE: All FU's are 1 or 2 inputs (1 if using constant, 2 for using FU with 2 inputs). 3 inputs predecation FU is provided but not supported in dyser release. To create a functional unit, right click on the large squares and choose the correct functional unit. You can clear the FU if you no longer need it by right clicking and choosing 'Clear FU'. The 'Edit Const' command can be used to have a FU always add a constant to 1 inputs (i.e. an FADD that always adds +1). To create an output, right click on the switch where the output should be and select 'Left/Right output' and the FU that has the output. When you are finished, select 'Show Fu Inputs' at the top to be sure that the inputs are correctly hooked up (i.e. for FSub/FDiv, the order matters; 0 is the first input, 1 is the second). Also, select 'Show Port Numbers' to see what ports have been selected. Once satisfied, select "File->Save Config" and save your config. Place this file in the same folder as your source code. ===== HW toolchain ===== The Hardware toolchain contains: DySER release v1.0, HardDySER release, and OpenSPARC xilinx EDK project (modified from Sun OpenSPARC T1 release). ==== DySER release v1.0 ==== This is a release of full-function general DySER that can be configured in the runtime. More description will be added in the future release. ==== HardDySER release ==== This is a release of hardDySER that can be generated from script and dysched before synthesis. More description will be added in the future release. ==== OpenSPARC ==== DySER project is based on Sun OpenSPARC T1 project. More description will be added in the future release. ====== Release issues ====== * Known issues: * Structural hazard between consecutive dyser load and dyser recv * Loads and dyser recv: the load in opensparc may flush the execution pipeline. dyser recv sends data to DySER at execution stage, and cannot be flushed. Currently we pad nop before dsend assembly in c code. * DySTORE does not work on FPGA: 3 benchmarks are tuned: fft (-DNO_DYSTORE), conv (TBD), stencil (TBD) ====== FAQ ======