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Configuring a Shore Server

The SVAS is a program that runs as a daemon process. Options control, among other things,

The configuration choices are determined by the values of configuration options , which are set by the server at start-up time from a a configuration file containing commands of the form optionname: value and from command arguments of the form -optionname value. If both the configuration file and the command line specify a value for a particular option, the command-line setting takes precedence.

The release contains an example configuration file, which you should find in $SHORE/lib/options. If you followed the instructions in the installation manual, you have already put an edited copy of the configuration file into .shoreconfig in your home directory. If not, follow the instructions in the section Running the Shore Server of the installation manual before continuing with these instructions. You can set the environment variable SHORE_RC to specify some location or file name other than  /.shoreconfig for the configuration file.

See the manual page options(SVAS) for a description of all the configuration options.

See the manual page environment(SVAS) for a description of all the environment variables used by the SVAS.

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