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Initialization and Shutdown

The class ss_m is the core of the SSM interface. Creating an instance of ss_m starts the SSM. Destroying the ss_m instance causes the SSM to shutdown. Details on initialization and shutdown are available in init(ssm).

When the SSM is started, it processes configuration options described below an initialized all the SSM data structures. This initialization includes allocation of the buffer pool. The buffer pool is located in shared memory, so the operating system must have shared-memory support to accommodate the size of the buffer pool. Next, the SSM checks the log to see if recovery is needed. If so, it follows the steps discussed in the recovery section below.


Setting SSM Configuration Options

The SSM has a number of configuration options that must be set before it is started with the ss_m constructor. These options include such things as buffer pool sizes and location of the log. Many have default values. Those without default values must be set or the SSM will fail. Below we list all options and their default values.


Adding VAS-Specific Options

In addition, a VAS, will often have options of its own that need to be set. The SSM provides an options facility, options(common) for this purpose. Included with the option facility are functions to set options from the program command line and from files containing configuration information.

A discussion of how to use the options facility is given in the tutorial.

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Marvin Solomon
Fri Aug 2 13:40:00 CDT 1996