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Lexical Syntax

The lexical syntax of SDL is identical to that of C++ with the exception that the sets of keywords, operators, and other separators are different. In particular, both forms of C++ comment are supported, and comments and whitespace are handled exactly as in C++.

Operators and separators are drawn from the following set.

    %    )    ,    :    <    >    ]    |
    &    *    -    ::   <<   >>   ^    }
    (    +    /    ;    =    [    {    ~

Keywords are any of the following words, plus the word int gif.

    all          export       long         sequence
    any          external     lref         set
    as           false        module       short
    attribute    float        octet        string
    bag          import       ordered_by   struct
    boolean      in           out          switch
    case         index        override     true
    char         indexable    private      typedef
    class        inout        protected    union
    const        interface    public       unsigned
    default      inverse      ref          use
    double       list         relationship void

Marvin Solomon
Fri Aug 2 13:39:38 CDT 1996