Shore Programmer's Manual - 2 August 96


stat \- retrieve information about an object


#include <ShoreApp.h>
shrc Shore::stat(const char *path, OStat *osp);


The stat method retrieves information about the object indicated by path, and fills in the structure given by osp. If path specifies a symbolic link or a cross-reference, this method will retrieve information about the object referenced by the link or cross-reference, not the link or cross-reference object. An alternate way of retrieving this information for an object of a known type is through the language binding (see ref(cxxlb) ).

The OStat structure, defined in OCTypes.h, actually consists of three types. OStat contains some fields that are valid for all objects, registered or anonymous. AnonStat has fields that are valid only for anonymous objects, and RegStat has fields that are valid only for registered objects. The kind field of OStat indicates whether an object is registered or anonymous. The structures are defined as follows:

struct AnonStat
    LOID pool;          // loid of pool in which obj resides

struct RegStat
    short nlink;        // num. dir. entries pointing to object
    mode_t mode;        // permissions flags
    uid_t uid;          // owner
    gid_t gid;          // group
    time_t atime;       // access time
    time_t mtime;       // modify time
    time_t ctime;       // props change time

struct OStat
    LOID loid;          // object's logical oid
    LOID type_loid;     // loid of object's type object
    ObjectSize csize;   // core size
    ObjectSize hsize;   // heap size
    int nindices;       // number of indices in object
    ObjectKind kind;    // KindRegistered or KindAnonymous
    AnonStat astat;     // if kind == KindAnonymous
    RegStat  rstat;     // if kind == KindRegistered
The values of the kind field are defined in vas_types.h. Although five values are defined in that file, only two of those values (KindRegistered and KindAnonymous) can be found in the kind field in the current implementation.

Stat obtains a SH-mode (share-mode) lock on the object.


Changes to the heap size of an object that occurred during the current transaction might not be reflected immediately in the hsize field of the OStat structure. Typically, the reported value of hsize will be zero for objects created within the transaction. For objects created in earlier transactions, the reported heap size will typically be last committed value.


This manual page applies to Version 1.0 of theShore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-92-C-Q508.


Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


ostat(cxxlb) .