Shore Programmer's Manual - 2 August 96


sevsem_t \- Shore Event Semaphore Class


#include <sthread.h>

 *  Event semaphore
class sevsem_t : public sthread_base_t {
    NORET			sevsem_t(
	int 			    is_post = 0,
	const char* 		    name = 0);
    NORET			~sevsem_t();

    w_rc_t			post();
    w_rc_t			reset(int* pcnt = 0);
    w_rc_t			wait(int4_t timeout = WAIT_FOREVER);
    void 			query(int& pcnt);
    void	 		setname(
	const char* 		    n1, 
	const char* 		    n2 = 0);


An event semaphore functions as a counting semaphore in that a thread can use an event semaphore to trigger execution of other threads. This is useful if, for example, one thread (producer) provides data to many other threads (consumer). Using an event semaphore frees the consumers from the trouble of polling to determine when new data is available.

sevsem_t(is_post, name)

The constructor creates an event semaphore. The name parameter is stored in the semaphore for debugging purposes. If is_post is true, the event semaphore is set to posted right after construction. Otherwise, the event semaphore is reset after construction.



The reset method resets the event semaphore (i.e.\,reset post count to 0), and returns the number of times the semaphore was posted since it was last reset in pcnt. All threads that subsequently wait on this semaphore will be blocked.


The post method posts the semaphore and increments the post count. All threads waiting on this semaphore are unblocked and resume execution. Threads that wait on the semaphore after the semaphore has been posted and before the next time it is reset, will not be blocked. If the semaphore is subsequently reset, threads that calls wait() will again be blocked.
If the semaphore is reset when post is called, the semaphore is posted and the post count is set to 1. If the semaphore is already posted when post is called, the post count is incremented, and an error, stSEMPOSTED, is returned to the calling thread.


The wait method waits on the event semaphore. If the semaphore is already posted, wait returns immediately and the thread continues to run. Otherwise, the thread is blocked until the semaphore is posted. Note that wait does not decrement the post count; only reset modifies the post count in any way.


The query method returns, in pcnt, the number of times the semaphore was posted since it was last reset.






This manual page applies to Version 1.0 of theShore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-92-C-Q508.


Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


errors(sthread) , sthread_t(sthread) , smutex_t(sthread) , scond_t(sthread) , file_handlers(sthread) , intro(sthread) .