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Installing the Documentation Release

If you are installing Shore for the first time, and you just copied the tar files with FTP, and followed the instructions in the README file there, you will already have finished this step, and you can skip to the next section.

    cd $SHROOT
    gunzip -c $TARDIR/shore.1.0.doc.tar.gz | tar xvf -

This installs html, ps and examples directories. The $SHROOT/docs.html directory contains HTML versions of the documentation. You can read these documents with a World-Wide-Web (WWW) browser such as Mosaic or Lynx. When using Mosaic, press the ``Open...'' button and enter: file://localhost/$SHROOT/docs.html/release/release.html (but you'll have to expand $SHROOT yourself). When using Lynx, use the Go command and enter the same URL The $SHROOT/ directory contains Postscript versions of the documents.

The examples directory contains example and test programs discussed in the documentation.

Marvin Solomon
Fri Aug 2 14:03:28 CDT 1996