Installing Condor

Installing Condor

First, download Condor. We have mirrored it locally so you can download it quickly. It is 56MB, so please be patient.
Download Condor

You will get a file named condor-6.6.10-linux-x86-glibc23-dynamic.tar.gz. Let us pick apart the name a bit:

condor This is the complete Condor distribution
6.6.10 The version number
x86 Compiled for thet 32 bit Intel x86 architecture
glibc23 Linked against glibc 2.3. This is particularly important when we talk about the standard universe.
dynamic The executables are dynamically linked. You can get static, but they are usually not preferred.
.tar.gz We have used tar and gz to package this. RPMs are also available.

To install and start up Condor, you will take three steps. First, unpack Condor from this file and see what you get:
% tar xzf condor-6.6.10-linux-x86-glibc23-dynamic.tar.gz
% cd condor-6.6.10
% ls
DOC  INSTALL  LICENSE.TXT  README  condor_configure*  condor_install* examples/  release.tar
If you explore these files a bit, you'll notice it's a bit strange. All of the Condor binaries are contained in the release.tar file. We'll run condor_configure (not condor_install) to install condor into a subdirectory named condor.

The second step is to run condor_configure:

% ./condor_configure --install --make-personal-condor

If you look at the contents of the directory, you'll see that there are now bin and sbin directories for Condor. You'll also see configuration files in etc and locallocal..<machinename>:
% ls
DOC      LICENSE.TXT  bin/               condor_install*  examples/ lib/           man/         sbin/
INSTALL  README       condor_configure*  etc/             include/ local.chopin/  release.tar  src/

% ls etc
condor_config  examples/

% ls
condor_config.local  execute/  log/  spool/

If you tell Condor where to find condor_config, it will know how to find condor_config.local because it is listed in the file:

% grep "^LOCAL_CONFIG" etc/condor_config
LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = /home/nfs/condor-6.6.10/
Condor will read all of condor_config, then read all of condor_config.local. Anything in condor_config.local overrides what is in condor_config. In general, it doesn't matter where you put configuration variables. So tell Condor where to find the configuration file, and tell the shell how to find the Condor binaries. If you are using a shell other than bash, the commands may be different. You need to edit these commands to be appropriate for you--no copy and paste!
% export CONDOR_CONFIG=/home/nfs/roy/condor-6.6.10/etc/condor_config 

% export PATH=/home/nfs/roy/condor-6.6.10/bin:${PATH}

% export PATH=/home/nfs/roy/condor-6.6.10/sbin:${PATH}
Make sure it worked:

% which condor_master

% condor_version
$CondorVersion: 6.6.10 Jun 13 2005 $
$CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX_RH9 $

You might be surprised that it reports RedHat 9 instead of CERN Scientifix Linux 3 (the version of Linux installed on these computers). It is reporting the operating system that it was compiled on, not the operating system that is in use.

Now that you've installed Condor, you need to run it. This is easy, just run condor_master. Then check if Condor is running:

% condor_master

% ps -x
26222 pts/2    S      0:00 bash
26527 ?        S      0:00 condor_master
26528 ?        S      0:00 condor_collector -f
26529 ?        S      0:00 condor_negotiator -f
26530 ?        R      0:01 condor_startd -f
26531 ?        S      0:00 condor_schedd -f
26539 pts/2    R      0:00 ps -x

Most Excellent! You have installed Condor on gotten it running.

The output you see from ps may be slightly different. Let's look at what we see:

condor_master: This program runs constantly and ensures that all other parts of Condor are running. If they hang or crash, it restarts them.

condor_collector: This program is part of the Condor central manager. It collects information about all computers in the pool as well as which users want to run jobs. It is what normally responds to the condor_status command. It's not running on your computer, but on

condor_negotiator: This program is part of the Condor central manager. It decides what jobs should be run where. It's not running on your computer, but on

condor_startd: If this program is running, it allows jobs to be started up on this computer--that is, hal is an "execute machine". This advertises hal to the central manager (more on that later) so that it knows about this computer. It will start up the jobs that run.

condor_schedd If this program is running, it allows jobs to be submitted from this computer--that is, hal is a "submit machine". This will advertise jobs to the central manager so that it knows about them. It will contact a condor_startd on other execute machines for each job that needs to be started.

condor_shadow (Not shown above) For each job that has been submitted from this computer, there is one condor_shadow running. It will watch over the job as it runs remotely. In some cases it will provide some assistance (see the standard universe later.) You may or may not see any condor_shadow processes running, depending on what is happening on the computer when you try it out.

We have a graphic representation of these daemons, drawn by Sarah Miller, age 12.


You can find out what jobs have been submitted on hal with the condor_q command:

-- Submitter: : <> :
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               

0 jobs; 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held

Nothing is running right now. If something was running, you would see output like this:

% condor_q

-- Submitter: : <> :
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
4589.0   doronn          3/30 18:07  19+09:26:01 I  0   0.0  go1               
5140.0   araddan         7/18 15:59   8+08:16:47 I  0   0.0  .condor_run.23359 
5145.0   araddan         7/18 17:22   0+21:29:41 I  0   0.0  matlab-script.txt 
6041.0   grishas        12/7  18:41   7+08:03:25 R  0   45.7 a.out             
6042.0   grishas        12/7  18:42   8+07:47:14 R  0   45.7 a.out             
6044.0   grishas        12/9  11:15   6+17:14:46 R  0   45.7 a.out         

The output that you see will be different depending on what jobs are running. Notice what we can see from this:

Extra credit

What else can you find out with condor_q? Try any one of:

Double bonus points

How do you use the -constraint or -format options to condor_q? When would you want them? When would you use the -l option?


You can find out what computers are in your Condor pool. (A pool is similar to a cluster, but it doesn't have the connotation that all computers are dedicated full-time to computation: some may be desktop computers owned by users.) To look, use condor_status:

% condor_status

Name          OpSys       Arch   State      Activity   LoadAv Mem ActvtyTime LINUX       INTEL  Unclaimed  Idle       0.000  3974 0+00:00:04

                     Machines Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting

         INTEL/LINUX        1     0       0         1       0         0

               Total        1     0       0         1       0         0

Right now, we just see our local computer, since you are just running a personal Condor. Later on, you will see many more computers. Let's look at exactly what you can see:

Extra credit

What else can you find out with condor_status? Try any one of:

Note in particular the options like -master and -schedd. When would these be useful? When would the -l option be useful?

Configuring Condor

Look at condor_config.local. It was created automatically, so it's not as well commented as condor_config. One thing to notice is the START expression. For you, it should be "TRUE". This means that Condor will accept jobs (from any authorized user) at any time. This is where you can change Condor to say things like, "Don't run jobs if someone is using the computer" or "Don't run jobs between 8am and 5pm." Look in condor_config to see some examples of this sort of configuration. These examples are not used because they are overridden in condor_config.local. You can see which version of START is being used with the condor_config_val command:

% condor_config_val -v START
  Defined in
  '/home/roy/condor-6.6.10/', line 13.

Extra credit

Change Condor to allow multiple jobs. To do this, you tell Condor that you have multiple CPUs. Set NUM_CPUS = 2 in your condor_config.local, and use condor_restart. Wait a bit for Condor to restart, and see what you have. Experiment.

Look at condor_config and look at some other examples for the START expression. What do they mean?

Next: Submitting your first Condor job