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Start a job now.


condor_now -help

condor_now [-name  scheduler [-pool  central-manager]] [-debug] now-job vacate-job


condor_now tries to run the now-job now. The vacate-job is immediately vacated; after it terminates, if the schedd still has the claim to the vacated job’s slot – and it usually will – the schedd will immediately start the now-job on that slot.

You must specify each job using both the cluster and proc IDs.


Print a usage reminder.
Print debugging output. Control the verbosity with the environment variables _CONDOR_TOOL_DEBUG, as usual.
-name scheduler [-pool  central-manager]
Specify the scheduler(’s name) and (optionally) the pool to find it in.

General Remarks

The now-job and the vacated-job must have the same owner; if you are not the queue super-user, you must own both jobs. The jobs must be on the same schedd, and both jobs must be in the vanilla universe. The now-job must be idle and the vacated-job must be running.


To begin running job 17.3 as soon as possible using job 4.2’s slot:

  condor_now 17.3 4.2

To try to figure out why that doesn’t work for the ‘magic’ scheduler in the ’gandalf’ pool, set the environment variable _CONDOR_TOOL_DEBUG to ‘D_FULLDEBUG’ and then:

  condor_now -debug -schedd magic -pool gandalf 17.3 4.2

Exit Status

condor_now will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) if the schedd accepts its request to vacate the vacate-job and start the now-job in its place. It does not wait for the now-job to have started running.


Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin–Madison


Copyright © 1990-2019 Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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