Call For Theme papers 

5th International Workshop on Software Engineering Processes and Applications (SEPA: 2013) in conjunction with ICCSA 2013


(The accepted papers will be published in Lecturer Notes in Computer Science by Springer)


Following the grand success of SEPA 2012 (in Salvador, Brazil), SEPA 2011(in Santander, Spain), SEPA 2010 
(in Fukuoka, Japan), SEPA 2009 (in Sowon, Korea (2009)), SEPA 2013, (in conjunction with ICCSA 2010) is scheduled
 to be held, during June 24-27, 2013, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Submission deadline:  Feb 15, 2013

About The Workshop and Topics

Software Engineering Processes and Applications (SEPA: 2012) is aimed to provide a forum to scientist/researchers/engineers
/practitioners and academician to share their ideas, experiences and researches in the field of software engineering proces
s and applications. SEPA 2012 covers all the frontier issues and trends in the modern software development processes.  It 
includes process models, agile development, software engineering practices, requirements, system and design engineering 
including architectural design, component level design, formal methods,   software modeling, testing strategies and tactics
, process and product metrics, Web Engineering, project management, risk management, and configuration management.  
SEPA invites you to submit theme papers that describe original and significant contribution in all above-mentioned area of 
software engineering processes. The paper submitted to SEPA’2013 must not be submitted elsewhere either in conference or 
journal and should be 12-16 pages (LNCS style). Papers selected after peer review will be included in the conference 
proceedings and presented orally at the conference. 


 All contributions will be reviewed by international program committee members and judged on their quality and relevance.
 The accepted papers for SEPA 2013 will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science as a book series of 
Computational Science and Its Applications:  ICCSA 2013. Please note that one of the author’s of the accepted paper must 
register and supposed to present the paper in conference.  The extended version of selected papers will also be invited 
for the publication in a reputed International Journal.  


Please submit your paper through ICCSA 2013 conference web site.  

Submission Site:

While, submitting to conference site, please select the track of your submission “Software Engineering Processes and 
Applications (SEPA 13)”.	

Special Issues SEPA 2013

In several countries the conference papers are not considered in evaluation of academic performances. In this point of 
view, we have decided to publish the extended version of all presented papers in SEPA in special issues of several 
international journals. The best papers will be selected for an ISI SCIE indexed journal. The papers will also be 
selected for International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI:Published by IGI global), 
International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP) (IGI Global, USA) and International Journal of Human 
Capital Information(IGI Global) with the condition that the papers should fall under the aim and scope of the said journals
. Remaining papers will be accommodated in an International journal: NJTR (an Official Journal of Federal University of 
Technology). We are highly thankful to the Management/Editorial committee of all these journals for accepting the special


October 1, 2012 – Feb 15, 2013: Abstract and Full Paper submission
March 15, 2013: Notification of Acceptance and Early-bird Registration starts
April 6, 2013: Early-bird Registration ends.
April 6, 2013: Submission deadline for the final version of the Papers
June 24-27, 2013: SEPA  2013 Conference
Organizing Chair

Prof. Sanjay Misra
Professor of Computer Engineering
Covenant University
Contact: smisra@fut,, 

Program Committee Chair

Dr. Ricardo Colomo-Palacios
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 

International Program Committee Members

Y. Wang, University of Calgery, Canada
Broderick Crawford, Ontificia Universidad Cat´Olica De Valpara´Iso, PUCV, Chile
Murat koyuncu, Atilim University, Turkey
Tolga Pustali, Cankaya  University, Turkey
P.  Debba, CSIR, South Africa
Cristina Casado Lumbreras, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
L.C.Rivero, Universidad Nacional del Centro, Argentina
Ibhrahim  Akman, Atilim University, Ankara Turkey
Marco Crasso,UNICEN University, Argentina
Markus Holopainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Takashi Michikawa , Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology(RCAST), Japan
Cristian Mateos,UNICEN University, Argentina
Reda Alhajj, University Of Calgary, Canada.
José Luis Ordiales Coscia,UNICEN University, Argentina 
In-Cheol Kim, Kyongi University, South Korea
Aylin Okan, Atilim University, Turkey 
Ajaykumar Sachan, Rajeev Gandhi Technical University,India
Osman Abul, PhD.,TOBB University of Economics and Technology,  Ankara, Turkey.
Ozcan Ozturk, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Sid Kulkarni, University of Ballarat, Austrelia
Yau Jim Yip, University of Huddersfield, UK.
Zaigham Mahmood, University of Derby, UK
Vasile Stoicu-Tivadar, University Timisoara, Romania
Shanyu Tang, London Metropolitan University, England,
Alejandro Zunino,UNICEN University, Argentina
Eudisley Anjos, Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) – Brazil