Condor Week 2012 Survey

1. What did you like most about the conference?

2. What should we do differently next year?

3. If you attended any of the tutorials, which were the most useful to you?
Basic Introduction to Condor
Condor and Workflows: An Introduction
Pegasus - A system to run, manage and debug complex workflows on top of Condor
Secure Coding Practices for Middleware
Basic Condor Administration
Security: Lockdown of a Basic Pool
Condor High Availability
Remote Condor
Configuration of Partitionable Slots
Condor Statistics on your Submit Nodes

4. Which talks were most memorable to you?

5. If you attended the Friday panels, what do you think of them? Good? Bad? Indifferent? Comments?

6. Did the wireless work reliably for you? If you had problems, what problems did you have?

7. How often should we have Condor Week?
Every Other Year
Every year
Twice a year

8. Was there enough free time provided to interact with other attendees and Condor Team members?

9. Any other comments?

11. [Optional] Name or Email address if you desire a reply: