Avner Magen (University of Toronto ):
Sublinear Geometric Algorithms

With the current information explosion, massive data sets are now pervasive and they pose new challenges in algorithm design. For example, a linear time algorithm, which was considered as the ultimate efficiency goal for many years, could easily be unacceptably slow for massive data sets. It is thus necessary to develop algorithms that use sublinear amount of time or space resources. Recently, great progress has been made in this research direction,and the study of sublinear algorithms has emerged as a field unto itself. In computational geometry, such sublinear efficiency is traditionally achieved by performing a one-time preprocessing of the data. This is often a satisfactory solution, but is of little use when datasets are so massive that examining the whole input -- let alone preprocessing it -- is out of the question. We initiate an investigation of sublinear algorithms in the domain of geometry and show that, for many classical geometric problems, the standard representation of the input or the standard data-structures supporting it, allow for sublinear algorithms. These algorithms randomly sample a small fraction of the input and do not require any preprocessing. We present randomized algorithms for the following problems: detecting the intersection of convex 3D polyhedra; ray- shooting and nearest-neighbor with respect to polyhedra; point location in two-dimensional planar subdivision. All presented algorithms run in expected time O(sqrt n), where n is the size of the input. We also provide approximation algorithms with similar running times for finding the volume of a polytope and for finding the shortest path between two points on the boundary a polytope. In a different setting, we look at the well known problem of computing the weight of the minimal spanning tree in Euclidean space. We show how to approximate this weight in O(sqrt n) time. Prior to these results, the problems described above had only linear or superlinear algorithms. The talk contains results achieved together with B. Chazelle, D. Liu, A. Czumaj, F. Ergun, L. Fortnow, I. Newman, R. Rubinfeld and C. Sohler.